Day of Saint Emiliano, September 11. Names for children

Emiliano is a name for a child of Etruscan origin that means "he who is pleasant or quiet," although there is no shortage who places him among the Latin names of meaning "hardworking" or "hardworking". In any case, it is a name of exceptional beauty for its historical connotations that may be perfec

Emiliano is a name for a child of Etruscan origin that means "he who is pleasant or quiet," although there is no shortage who places him among the Latin names of meaning "hardworking" or "hardworking".

In any case, it is a name of exceptional beauty for its historical connotations that may be perfect for your child. He celebrates his name day on September 11, which is the day of San Emiliano.

Curiosities about the name Emiliano

Because of the meaning of his name, Emiliano has a calm and calm character, but full of sympathy. His success in social relations is based on his kindness and the trust he inspires. In addition, Emiliano is a responsible person who is very committed to his work and to his family.

The name Emiliano is known throughout the world thanks to the Latin tradition. It belongs to the same family of names as Emilio, so we know its variants in French, Emilien, and in English, Emilian. A traditional name that is gaining popularity in recent times thanks to that trend of rescuing names with personality.

May help you choose the name of your baby take into account the strength of the name Emiliano thanks to the former Roman emperor, in addition to the number of illustrious Romans who belonged to this same family of the Aemilus. And since Roman antiquity we have another known Emiliano, the military Publio Cornelio Emiliano African Excision.

In addition, we know many other popular characters who have carried the name of your son, such as the mythical basketball player Emiliano Rodríguez, the Spanish businessman Emiliano Revilla or the politician Emiliano García Page. But if there is a figure that has popularized this name, it is that of the Mexican revolutionary leader, Emiliano Zapata.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of September, consult our calendar of names of saints in September. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of