Saint Norbert's Day, June 6. Names for children

Norberto is a name for a child of Germanic origin whose synonym refers to "man of the north" and "bright". It is one of those names with a deep meaning that may be perfect for your child. Although not one of the most frequent names, Norberto has the characteristic of originality and distinction that

Norberto is a name for a child of Germanic origin whose synonym refers to "man of the north" and "bright". It is one of those names with a deep meaning that may be perfect for your child.

Although not one of the most frequent names, Norberto has the characteristic of originality and distinction that all parents desire. He celebrates his name day on June 6, which is the day of Saint Norbert.

Curiosities about the name Norberto

By the meaning of his name, Norberto has a very special and enigmatic personality that makes him a seducer and the soul of his group of friends. In addition, Norberto exudes sympathy and kindness, which does not prevent him from acquiring responsibilities in the family and work environment.

The name Norberto is known throughout the world, although at no time has it been established as a frequent name. In English Norbert, the name of your child is guaranteed originality without being eccentric, so any child will feel comfortable with him, as well as his diminutive Berto.

In addition to Saint Norbert, we meet several personalities named after your son, such as the American mathematician and father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener and the French speleologist Norbert Casteret.

The Basque painter Norberto Ariño is better known and closer. But if there is a character that is especially familiar to us and that bears the name of your child, albeit in the form of a diminutive, that is the Spanish singer Bertín Osborne.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of June, consult our calendar of names of saints in June. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of