Day of Saint John Bosco, January 31. Names for children

Juan is a name for a child of Hebrew origin meaning "he who is compassionate" or "he who is faithful to God." A name that in spite of its antiquity has not lost any of its attractiveness and remains immovable in the list of the most frequent names. If your child was born on January 31, it is a good

Juan is a name for a child of Hebrew origin meaning "he who is compassionate" or "he who is faithful to God." A name that in spite of its antiquity has not lost any of its attractiveness and remains immovable in the list of the most frequent names. If your child was born on January 31, it is a good idea to add the name Bosco, referring to the saint who celebrates his name day that same day, San Juan Bosco.

Curiosities about the name Juan

The name Juan implies, in general, an intellectually restless, creative and sensitive personality. Juan has a helpful nature so he becomes the perfect partner.

Lover of tranquility, Juan does not like conflicts, but he has the necessary resources to face them.

The multitude of variants that adopts the name Juan in the different languages, makes the name of your child one of the favorite ones by parents all over the world.

Joan, John and Jack in English, Jon, Giovanni, Ewan and even Ivan, are some of the best known forms, which are usually accompanied by another proper name, in this case, Bosco.

Because Juan Bosco was not only the name of the Saint to whom we have referred, he is also a well-known Canarian writer and singer-songwriter. On the other hand, there are many places named Bosco, starting with that place in Italy from which the Saint took his name. In addition, Bosco is also used as a surname and gave name to a Spanish musical project of New Age trend.

But if the name Bosco has become popular it has been thanks to the Flemish painter El Bosco, some of whose paintings you can enjoy in the Prado Museum. Among them they highlight "Triptych of the adoration of the kings", "Extraction of the stone of the madness", "The Temptations of San Antonio" and, of course, the so commented "Garden of the Delights".

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of