Day of Saint Fabian, January 20. Names for children

Fabián is a name for a boy of Latin origin meaning "he who belongs to the Fabia family". It is a name that in recent times is gaining great popularity among children, and it is not strange, because it is surrounded by all the greatness and nobility derived from the gens or Roman family to which it r

Fabián is a name for a boy of Latin origin meaning "he who belongs to the Fabia family". It is a name that in recent times is gaining great popularity among children, and it is not strange, because it is surrounded by all the greatness and nobility derived from the gens or Roman family to which it refers. He celebrates his name day on January 20, which is the day of Saint Fabian.

Curiosities about the name Fabián

Fabián has an energetic and sociable character, of very varied worries, his mind explodes every so often with new ideas, which makes him a dynamic and enterprising person.

His great creative force makes Fabián have a very charismatic and attractive personality. In addition, nobility and elegance are implicit in the meaning of his name.

The name Fabian does not present hardly variants in other languages. Italian Fabio and Fabiano forms are also frequent, as well as their feminine Fabiana and Fabiola, all of them recognized as a name that bring great distinction.

Fabi or Fabito are used as diminutives of the name of your child and the Fabo form is also quite common.

The gens or Fabia family was one of the most illustrious and prestigious of ancient Rome. We know many Fabio who occupied important consular posts and it is one of the few patrician families that fought actively for the rights of commoners, a social position that almost led to the disappearance of the Fabio lineage.

The name of your son has been transmitted to us thanks to the personality of the third-century Pope Fabian, who would later be sanctified, celebrating his name day on the same day as San Sebastian, so his notoriety is somewhat eclipsed. However, in recent years, more and more parents have decided to give their baby the name Fabián, which continues to maintain its originality.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of