Day of Saint Hilario, January 13. Names for children

Hilario is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "the happy" or "the smiling". It is a name that evokes joviality and vital spirit, so it is an ideal name to celebrate the joy with which you have received the arrival of your child. Hilario is not one of the most frequent names, but it has not l

Hilario is a name for a child of Latin origin meaning "the happy" or "the smiling". It is a name that evokes joviality and vital spirit, so it is an ideal name to celebrate the joy with which you have received the arrival of your child. Hilario is not one of the most frequent names, but it has not lost its validity at all and also grants some distinction. He celebrates his name day on January 13, which is the day of Saint Hilary.

Curiosities about the name Hilario

Showing the meaning of his name Hilario is dynamic, energetic and contagious joy. He is vital and enterprising and lavishes optimism, so everyone wants to be by his side. But his joviality does not prevent him from having a great sense of responsibility and a great determination when it comes to solving problems. In addition, the name Hilario has a mysterious and seductive air that makes it very attractive.

The name Hilario is a perfect name for your child, who will also be easily recognized in all languages. In Catalan Hilari and in French Hilaire, the variant with which we are most familiar is its feminine in English, Hillary, which immediately reminds us of personalities of the likes of Hillary Clinton or actress Hillary Swank.

But there are many famous men who have taken the name of your son. A name that did not begin to be used as its own until the arrival of Christianity, so it must have been an adjective that characterized the vital, happy and conciliatory people. Since then there are many bishops, popes and monks named Hilario.

We also found people who were closer in time to help popularize the name of your son, such as the Spanish folk singer Hilario Camacho or the Extremaduran artist Hilario Bravo. Although undoubtedly, the most famous has given the name Hilario has been the journalist Hilario Pino, one of the most familiar faces of the news of our country.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of