Day of Saint Darío, December 19. Names for children

Darío is a baby name for a child of Persian origin that means "the one who maintains good", capable, therefore, of being a committed person who defends both ideas and people. Although it has its female variant in Daría , it is used more frequently in children, and it is a name that has lost none of

Darío is a baby name for a child of Persian origin that means "the one who maintains good", capable, therefore, of being a committed person who defends both ideas and people. Although it has its female variant in Daría, it is used more frequently in children, and it is a name that has lost none of its appeal over the years. He celebrates his name day on December 19, which is the day of Saint Darius.

Curiosities about the name Darío

Darío is one of those names that imprints an unusual strength of character to any child that carries it. And it is that the name Darío carries a great burden of courage and courage, with protective spirit and even combative if necessary. But Darío is also sensitive, seductive and very sociable, very capable of provoking the deepest admiration of those around him thanks to his creative abilities.

Despite its Persian origin, the name Darío is of more frequent use in the West, being transmitted in its version of the Latin name Darius, that has remained intact in English, French and German. Darío is, in any case, an ideal name to highlight the creative personality of any child, since there are many figures in the artistic and literary scene that bear the name of your child.

We have the controversial Italian playwright Darío Fo in the world of letters, without forgetting the great Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío, considered the prince of Castilian letters for his lyrical mastery and the handling of metaphor in his poems. In his honor, Darío is also a city name since 1920, when the city of origin of the poet changed his old name of Metapa for that of Ciudad Darío.

But the most famous historical figure that we find with the name of your son is Darius I the Great, a Persian king belonging to the Achaemenid dynasty who fought against the Greeks in medical wars and who starred in one of the most narrated battles of history, the battle of Marathon, a battle that finally represented the triumph of the West over the East.

If you want your daughter to learn to write hername Daríoin calligraphy and also can color it in uppercase and lowercase letters with the colors that you like, you only have to click on the name Darío to print its beautiful name.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of December, consult our calendar of the names of saints of December. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Collaborator of