Poems about the sea for children

At Guiainfantil.com we have gathered the best children's poems about the sea and marine animals for children. They are funny poems that also contain a teaching or moral to educate our children. Through these poems about the sea for children, you will enter the marvelous marine world, discover the sp

At Guiainfantil.com we have gathered the best children's poems about the sea and marine animals for children. They are funny poems that also contain a teaching or moral to educate our children.

Through these poems about the sea for children,you will enter the marvelous marine world, discover the species that inhabit the depths and have a good time with the stories that their protagonists live. And all this while entering the wonderful world of poetry!

In the sea. Very short poem for children

What happens at sea? The children's poet Marisa Alonso Santamaría sums it up in this very short poem for children, perfect for the little ones in the house:

In the sea the breeze

in the blue sea,

the waves, the fish,

the sky, the light.

Play the crabs

on the white sand,

the aova turtle

with the full moon

Verbena nights!

More short poems about the sea for children

The distrustful crab

A poem about a crab that has to learn how important the help of others is on certain occasions.


The protagonist of this children's poem, a small starfish, must learn to accept oneself.

The fish want to sing

This is an original poetry for children that mixes small verses of traditional children's songs sung by different sea animals.

The tropical fish

This poem about the sea for children tells the story of a small fish that changes color according to how it feels, a poetry to teach the emotions to children.

The cephalopods

This is a very funny poem about a squid and an octopus that get tangled underwater. A poetry about sea animals to read with children.

The traveling whale

If you are looking for very short poems to read with your children and also, you want them to learn about marine animals, we suggest you read this poetry about a whale.

On the beaches of Gabon

Meet all the animals that can be found on the beaches of central Africa, the beautiful beaches of Gabon are home to palm trees and dunes, these incredible characters.