Exercises to teach the child how to pronounce well

The beginning of language is one of the most important events in the growth and development of children. However, sometimes this progression of learning is not given according to the expected patterns. Therefore, it is important to know what we can do to favor the acquisition of this language. To be

The beginning of language is one of the most important events in the growth and development of children. However, sometimes this progression of learning is not given according to the expected patterns. Therefore, it is important to know what we can do to favor the acquisition of this language. To begin with, we must bear in mind that each child is a world. This means that not all will learn to speak following the same pattern, which may be due to a variety of factors. In some cases, inappropriate or distorted speech patterns appear during this language development. To promote the correct pronunciation of the child, in Guiainfantil.com we give you a series of ideas.

Activities for the child to pronounce correctly


It is important that the child has a need to talk . To do this, you should take advantage of the situations of play, bathing, and the different activities of daily life to make use of language.2.

Stimulate the child's ability to produce sounds . This can be done through games with onomatopoeias, imitation, repetition of different words ...3.

Avoid correcting language errors. It is preferable for parents to repeat the correctly pronounced word to correct directly the error that the child has made. 4.

Always show a feedback . In this way, the child will feel that their environment listens to him, which will increase his interest in speaking. Celebrate your child's progress so that he sees that his effort is rewarded.5.

Avoid focusing family activity on the child's pronunciation problems . You have to treat the problem naturally, to avoid frustration and the appearance of complexes.6.

Avoid using a child language. It is very important that the child's environment calls things by their real names, not with diminutives or games. For example, call the dog by its name instead of "wow wow". 7.

Do not repeat words that are badly pronounced because they are funny . Otherwise, the child will continue to use them because he thinks they are fun for the people around him. It is better to give the correct model for the child to internalize.8.

It is necessary to avoid completing the sentences that the child produces , cutting off his oral production or saying the word he is trying to pronounce when we see that it costs him.9.

If necessary, contact a specialist. It is important to determine if the alteration of the child's language is something evolutionary or if it is the result of another basic problem, such as an organic or hearing problem. All of these and other guidelines can help children achieve proper pronunciation. However, it is always important to contact a professional in case it is necessary to carry out a speech therapy treatment in case your child needs it. Contacting a speech therapist is the best solution!