The Chinese horoscope for children Dragon

Astrology can help you to know the character that your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. The Chinese New Year marks which animal will correspond that year and how the children will be born. Does the character of your baby Dr

Astrology can help you to know the character that your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. The Chinese New Year marks which animal will correspond that year and how the children will be born.

Does the character of your baby Dragon correspond with your Chinese zodiac sign?

The babies of the dragon sign

The dragon sign is one of the most special of the Chinese zodiac. They are the only ones represented by a mythological animal, and they capture this originality in their character.

Children with a Dragon horoscope are unpredictable, restless and very imaginative. They always draw attention for their talent, but this can bring negative consequences.

The admiration of these children by their classmates is normal, but this can cause problems in their character, parents have to teach them the value of humility.

There will also be those who envy the abilities of these children in the academic or creative field, Dragon children can feel very sad and disappointed in these attitudes because they always expect the best from others.

They are very intelligent and perfectionist, they can spend hours retouching a job until it is perfect, as long as they consider it worthwhile, and they embark on novel, imaginative and unique projects.

Your sense of humor will help you win over others, who will have a lot of fun with the children of this sign. They can not stand cheating, so parents must learn to be honest by respecting their needs.

Dragon signs are born in these years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Signs of the Chinese horoscope for children

Rat. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rat.

Ox. Zoodiac sign of the ox babies. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Ox.

Tiger. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Tiger.

Rabbit. The sign Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rabbit.

Dragon. Dragon sign of the Chinese zodiac. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the Dragon sign.

Snake Chinese horoscope for children. Sign of the serpent. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the Serpent sign.

Horse Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the sign Horse.

Goat. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the sign Goat.

Monkey. The monkey as a sign of astrology of the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Mono.

Rooster Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rooster.

Dog. Babies and children of the Chinese dog sign. The horoscope Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character of your child. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Dog.

Pig. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Pig.