Reflexology for children with ADHD

It is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to a behavioral disorder that affects a large number of children of school age and is characterized by the presence (with significant intensity and disproportionate to their level of development and to the education received) from one or b

It is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to a behavioral disorder that affects a large number of children of school age and is characterized by the presence (with significant intensity and disproportionate to their level of development and to the education received) from one or both of the following groups of symptoms: 1. Difficulties in regulating attention and 2. Excessive motor activity (hyperactivity) and impulsivity.

The question is this ... can Reflexology help a child with ADHD? And the answer is yes ..., it can help and much, more than we imagine ...

The problems that children with ADHD face

Some children only show attention deficit, while others only hyperactivity and impulsivity (without deficit of attention). However, the largest group of children is the one that presents, jointly, both groups of symptoms.

The child with ADHD will have problems with the capacity for perseverance and will, with the ability to control internal time, with the ability to self-assess, with the ability to self-monitor and above all with concentration and this will undoubtedly generate stress and anxiety.

The worst enemy of cognitive performance is stress and anxiety, both of which have a significant impact on the ability of neurons to learn and to remember what they have learned. With which, an environment with stress, will condition the intelligence of our children for the rest of their lives. There are neuroscience studies that show it.

Our children are constantly in stressful environments, and learning scenarios, both in the classroom and within families, are often stressful.

How Reflexology can help children with attention deficit and hyperactivity

There are many pathologies that Reflexology can relieve, but stress and anxiety is probably one of the best results. In addition, Reflexology can not damage any system, there are no contraindications after practicing therapy, being a fantastic therapy for children and adolescents ...

It must be clear that Reflexology is a complementary and never exclusive treatment. The treatment of a child with ADHD involves a great investment of time and effort, and control requires the follow-up of a doctor and a psychologist or educational psychologist, school or extracurricular support teachers, leisure activities, etc., and we With Reflexology we will be more support to eliminate the stress that ADHD causes in children by living in their usual environment.

The objective of Reflexology is to go directly to reduce the anxiety and stress that the child can accumulate. Your environment is very important, so for a job to be totally effective you must also work with your parents and thus reduce in them the stress generated by the situation. From here, we will see how everyone adapts to the disorder more calmly and without negatively impacting the child, will help them a lot in the control of behavior before the child and will modify their performance at home little by little. Everyone will see a small change.

For this, it is essential to balance the nervous system and the endocrine system. This is the solution to lower and even eliminate the levels of stress and anxiety, to later regulate the disorders that produce the stress itself.

The Family is the key to treating children with ADHD

I can assure you that there are parents of all kinds, parents with a great positive attitude and large doses of patience and more negative and reckless families, but nevertheless, all, without exception of none, they adore their children and work with them in the best way they know how to do it. But, the truth is that children with ADHD can become very stressful and stressful, and when that stress is continued and coupled with a sense of concern about their future, attrition can affect even the most emotionally strong people.

Therefore, remember that it is a process of attrition that is produced by physical exhaustion rather than by a personal psychological weakness and that having Reflexology at home will help you to enjoy the ride more.