When to leave the stroller

We parents are perplexed at the evolution of the children . His first pap, his first crawls, the first words, the moment they start to pee in the bathroom, his first day of daycare ... but not all children develop at the same time and you have to know how to leave your time to each child . We ask ou

We parents are perplexed at the evolution of the children. His first pap, his first crawls, the first words, the moment they start to pee in the bathroom, his first day of daycare ... but not all children develop at the same time and you have to know how to leave your time to each child .

We ask ourselves when we should leave the stroller, how to discover that moment in which our child becomes more autonomous and does not need the chair. Logically, it will depend on the needs of each child and each family, but we have some indicators that it is time to leave the stroller.

Advantages and disadvantages of the stroller

It is about 6 months of your baby when you should start to consider changing from the stroller to the stroller. More difficult, however, is determining when to leave the chair. And it depends on each child, the desire you have to run and also the effort you put into becoming an 'older child'.

Keeping the stroller for a long time has some advantages, such as having more independence(parents) to go to stores, shopping centers, running errands carrying the baby, going to the super or to spend a tourist weekend touring the streets and monuments of some city. Undoubtedly, for these cases, taking your child in the stroller is a guarantee of greater tranquility and a better use of time.

But every face has its cross. No child should get used to being longer than necessary in the stroller. It is appropriate to stimulate the physical development of children as well as the intellectual. Therefore, the sooner you start walking to the rhythm of the older ones, the sooner you will get the autonomy you need. Having this clear, it will be the child himself who will show you the evidence that he no longer needs the stroller. When to leave the stroller at home Around the age of 3, any child is ready to leave the stroller behind. Age varies depending on family activities and also the number of siblings, since if a sibling is born, the child will have to leave the car seat beforehand. In these cases it is best to buy

a platform that fits the child seat

to facilitate the movement of both children. The age at which the child becomes more autonomous also varies considerably if the family lives in the countryside or in the city. The routes in the city have more dangers, especially in the form of road accidents and this prevents children from making the journeys on foot. As a matter of safety

, it is better to take them to the nursery or to the park in the stroller. Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com