Language twisters for children with the letter D

The tongue twisters, as they say in some countries, are fun word games in which children have to put their best linguistic skills into action. They have multiple benefits for children, because, through these word games, children improve their vocalization , activate their memory and concentration, m

The tongue twisters, as they say in some countries, are fun word games in which children have to put their best linguistic skills into action.

They have multiple benefits for children, because, through these word games, children improve their vocalization, activate their memory and concentration, make them expand their vocabulary and are fun.

In we leave you some tongue twister with the letter D

tongue twister for children with the letter D

Where I say I say, I do not say, I say Diego;

where Diego Diego, I do not say Diego, I say I say.

If the witch wrecks the sorcerer,

and the sorcerer wrecks the witch,

and the witch is undone

how does the sorcerer wreck the witch?

They told me you said

a saying that I said.

He who has said it, lied.

And, in the case that said

that saying that you said

that I said,

said and redicho was.

And it would be very well said,

whenever I said

that saying you said

that I said.

I have a doll despescuecipelicrespa,

who I despecuecipelicrespará?

The despelicuecipelicrespador

that the despescueciperelrepe,

good despelicuecipelicrespador will be.

Side, ledo, lido, mud, ludo,

say it backwards I doubt it,

Ludo, mud, lido, ledo, side, Qué What a job it cost me!

The swallow dragon swallowed charcoal and got a paunch.

Panzón was the dragon by tragón. Qué What a mean dragon!

I remember remembering that memory,

it's a good memory, it's hard to remember.

The sky is bricked,

who will unroll it ?,

the unroller that unravels it,

good unraveling will be. Propone

One proposes, another arranges,

the groom arrives and breaks it down.