The safety of the baby in the bicycle seat

Riding a bicycle with your baby is a healthy, fun and safe practice. Considering a couple of safety issues regarding baby bike seats, you will not have to worry about anything. The first important issue is the age and weight of your baby . For the activity to be safe for both, the child must remain

Riding a bicycle with your baby is a healthy, fun and safe practice. Considering a couple of safety issues regarding baby bike seats, you will not have to worry about anything. The first important issue is the age and weight of your baby. For the activity to be safe for both, the child must remain upright or have more than 8 months, and weigh less than 22 kg so that it can not destabilize the bike or involve a great effort when pedaling.

Tips for using baby seats for bicycles

Second, we must choose a bicycle seat. Not all baby seats are suitable for all types of bicycles, so the first step will be to analyze the options that suit our bicycle.

1- Most of the seats are placed on the back of the bicycle but there are also for the front and center area. All of them are safe although they present small differences. The front, for example, allow the baby to have better views and at the same time be more guarded; The backs, however, are more comfortable because they usually have a higher backrest and the child can lie down and even fall asleep. The plants are rare but manufacturers say they are the safest especially for older children as their weight is placed at the center of gravity providing greater stability to the bicycle.

2- Regardless of the place where the baby seat is placed, it must have a harness and a footrest with side protection. The baby should always be tied with both the harness and the strap that holds your feet and prevents it from hooking to the spokes or saddle.

3- In some cities the law requires that children wear helmets and our recommendation is that they always be, even if it is not compulsory. The helmet should be as light as possible, strong, compact and with ventilation openings. Of course, the helmet harness must be tied at all times.

Following these safety tips you will not have to worry about anything other than enjoying yourself. But if you are not an experienced cyclist and you are afraid of falling when riding your baby, a good idea is to practice first by placing a weight similar to your baby's on the stroller. Once you have gotten used to handling the bicycle with the weight, you will be ready to ride your little one.