Can a child have a double personality?

It is important to mention that when talking about double personality, we are referring to trastorno multiple personality disorder and this is not a diagnosis that is very common in children. Most clinical studies have involved adults who had very traumatic childhoods and developed this mental disor

It is important to mention that when talking about double personality, we are referring to trastorno multiple personality disorder and this is not a diagnosis that is very common in children. Most clinical studies have involved adults who had very traumatic childhoods and developed this mental disorder. There are research studies that focus on the symptoms of childhood, such as dissociation that over time can become a serious double personality or multiple personality disorder in adulthood.

What it means for a child to have a double personality

Dissociation is when reality is separated from a loss of knowledge that interrupts memory

, identity or sense of oneself for a temporary time. When it is a more serious form it is like daydreaming and it can happen under stress, fear, abuse, anxiety or traumas. There are mild forms and severe forms that need medication and therapy, and in the most serious they may even require hospitalization. It usually occurs when traumatic events are experienced in childhood and that is why it is thought that children can not have dual personality, because it is generated in childhood.But, if it is generated in childhood ... would not we be talking about starting in childhood? That's right,

and children can also have double personality, so parents should be vigilant to be alert to any signs of possible disorder. A child with multiple personality will have two or more personalities

with different behaviors from one to the other . The dominant personality may not know the personality of the other identities but realizes that time has passed between one moment of consciousness and another (in that 'lost time' are the other personalities that appear).Doubts about the double personality of children

If you think that your child may have a double personality, you should take him to a mental health professional so that he can assess his condition. But above all, you should have some aspects in mind, such as:


It is not schizophrenia.Although it looks like a psychotic disorder or schizophrenia, but the difference is that dissociation is a split of reality that can be accompanied by a personality change, as if you were in front of another child. -

It seems an excuse for bad behavior.Some children, especially those who develop sociopathic or antisocial traits, are experts in manipulating situations for their benefit. The manipulation can include trying to convince others that they are 'crazy'. But it will be the duty of a professional to know exactly what happens and what kind of disorder he suffers. If you think that your child may have a double personality, it is necessary to look for a professional so that he can diagnose what happens. Ideally, you should contact a professional who is a specialist in this type of disorder.