How to teach rhyming children

Poetry is a literary genre that expresses beauty through words and consists of verses. And verses. According to the number of syllables that the verses have and their disposition, we will name it one way or another. The rima is the total or partial repetition of sounds in two or more verses from the

Poetry is a literary genre that expresses beauty through words and consists of verses. And verses. According to the number of syllables that the verses have and their disposition, we will name it one way or another. The rima

is the total or partial repetition of sounds in two or more verses from the last accented vowel. For example, a sonnet is a poem that has 14 hendecasyllabic verses (11 syllables) and consonant rhyme, distributed in two stanzas of four verses and two of three verses. Do you think it is complicated? We show you how to teach rhyming children in an easy and fun way. How to teach children to rhyme in a fun way I particularly believe that poetry, especially if it is aimed at the world of children, should carry a clear message

and be written in simple language, without falling into kitsch. Does not someone understand Federico García Lorca when he speaks to us in these verses?

The lizard is crying. La Lagarta is crying. The lizard and the lagarta with white aprons.

They have accidentally lost their wedding ring.
I am sure, that you all remember some poetry that you were taught as a child, because what you learn in rhymed poetry, whether because of
or the cadence of the verses, is retained much better in memory, and with poetry, I also refer to songs, stories, riddles, tongue twisters, etc., which is why I think it is one of the best resources we have at our disposal so that children learn by playing.
A game to teach rhyming children
Do you want to have a good time with your children? I leave you one of my poems 'Rimar is very funny': it is about playing to put words that rhyme where the ellipses appear. (In the last line is the solution, the words of the original poem). Encourage your children to look for rhymes.

RIMAR IS VERY FUNNYMaking rhymes is fun and also entertaining,

if you want to have fun,

I encourage you to rhyme with me.

Look up a name of


rhyme well


if you are looking for name of


, rhyme with


To name the mouse,

and rhyme for elephant

it looks great

... and for the second...

Rhyme words,

listen !

with hat


pen,you will surely find...

raise your finger ... While you rhyme with

shirt my name I am telling you,

they know me by ...

and you will see that I am rhyming.

And now rhyme with me,

with the word

spoon ,

is an easy word

do not put that


Rimar is very funny,and also entertaining,

if you want to keep rhyming

I keep rhyming with you. Words from the original poem:

Almendralejo, Ana, Mariana, Melitón, Dante, many, first, Marisa, cara.