Tips for parents of children addicted to the tablet

Nowadays it seems that children are born with a tablet under their arms and that the use of these new technologies is almost innate. Since children are born, they have new technologies around them, so they can learn these devices even before they learn to speak. What can parents do if their children

Nowadays it seems that children are born with a tablet under their arms and that the use of these new technologies is almost innate. Since children are born, they have new technologies around them, so they can learn these devices even before they learn to speak.

What can parents do if their children only want to play with tablets and smartphones? How to guide them if they feel dependent on new technologies?

What to do if your child has an addiction to the tablet

Because of this it is almost paramount in the education of children that the tablets are not the focus of attention in their lives and that they focus on learning to enjoy the company of the other people and other games more active and connected 'with real life'. If you have a child addicted to the tablet do not miss the following tips.

1. Common place. One way that your child does not become addicted to the tablet is to keep this device always in a place where the whole family can freely access, such as in the living room. In this way you can monitor what your child is doing and what he is playing at each moment.

2. Limit the play time. It is necessary that for children to enjoy other activities have a limited time of play that allows them to perform other activities.

3.Pon standards. When a child is addicted to the Tablet can not understand that there will be rules and limits, especially when there never before have been. In this sense it is necessary to warn them in time when it is time to play and not to play. To avoid a tantrum before the end of the game time you will have to warn him 10 minutes before he has to turn off the device.

4.You are the one in charge. It is important that children do not have their own tablet because you could lose control of it. You can have a tablet but be under your responsibility and play only when you allow it. If the tablet becomes a serious problem will have to restrict its use for a while.

5. Other activities. For some children, games are more than just fun and it is a way to relieve stress and have a better social life. When you restrict the use of the tablet make sure that your child can do other activities and that you do not have the smartphone close to your pocket. Playing sports, walking or cycling are good examples.

6. And of course, you can not forget to be a good example to your children. Disconnect from so much technology and spend quality time with your children!