Otitis in babies and children. Infection and earache

Otitis is a very common disease in babies and children. It is an inflammation of the middle ear that is usually caused by the accumulation of mucus in the upper airways, usually due to a cold or flu. It is so common in childhood because of how difficult it is for children to blow their noses and rem

Otitis is a very common disease in babies and children. It is an inflammation of the middle ear that is usually caused by the accumulation of mucus in the upper airways, usually due to a cold or flu.

It is so common in childhood because of how difficult it is for children to blow their noses and remove excess mucus. Viruses and bacteria reach the middle ear in this way through the eustachian tube and cause pain, hearing loss and even fever.

How to know if the child has otitis and what to do

In Guiainfantil.com you will find a selection of contents related to otitis in childhood so that you know how to proceed in case your child suffers it and what can cause a case of inflammation of the ear of the child.

Otitis in babies and children. Otitis is a cause of earache in children and babies. It is usually caused by an infection, which originates in the throat. Viruses and bacteria reach the middle ear through the eustachian tube.

What to do if the baby has otitis. In Guiainfantil.com we tell you what is childhood otitis. How parents can prevent a case of otitis. Infantile catarrhs ​​that cause otitis. Treatment for otitis in babies and children.

Types of otitis. When the child complains of earache, it is best to consult your pediatrician as soon as possible so that you can distinguish the type of otitis presented by the child and initiate the appropriate treatment.

Otitis in the pool. The pool and the sea are fun places for children, but also a focus of possible ear infections. If you want to prevent painful otitis, keep these tips in mind.

External otitis. Otitis externa or swimmer in children. Symptoms, treatment and prevention of swimmer's otitis in children. How to treat children's external otitis. Diseases of the ears in children.

Treatment of otitis. Until recently, antibiotics were the medication of choice to treat otitis in children, but now pediatricians only prescribe them in some cases. The majority of the otitis remit at 48 or 72 hours after having manifested.

Consequences of otitis. Video in which Dr. Gracia Aranguez explains the consequences of a badly treated otitis or that is not remedied in children

Otitis and colds. Video in which Dr. Gracia Aránguez explains to Guiainfantil.com that an otitis can be caused by a cold, a cold or the flu and tells us how we can avoid it.

Earache in children. Earache is a more common disease than can be thought among children, and it is usually caused by infections that affect the middle ear, which is also known as otitis media.