A man of great nose. Poem of Francisco de Quevedo for children

Francisco de Quevedo , one of the most outstanding writers of the Spanish Golden Age, was a man little given to the complicated turns in his poems. I preferred well-defined concepts, and the ingenuity of word games. For this reason he liked to ridicule his partner Luis de Góngora , a poet of his tim

Francisco de Quevedo, one of the most outstanding writers of the Spanish Golden Age, was a man little given to the complicated turns in his poems. I preferred well-defined concepts, and the ingenuity of word games. For this reason he liked to ridicule his partner Luis de Góngora, a poet of his time but more inclined to baroque and complicated poetry.

A man with a big nose is a satirical sonnet Quevedo wrote to get in and ridicule the great nose that Góngora had. It is a poem fun that children like a lot, especially when you tell them the story behind them.

A man of great nose. Poema de Francisco de Quevedo for the children

Once there was a man with a nose stuck , there was a superlative nose,there was a nose and a scribe,

there was a very bearded swordfish.

It was a


badly faced, there was a pensive alquitara, there was an elephant face up,

it was Ovid Nasón more naricated.

There was a spur of a galley,

there was a pyramid of Egypt,


twelve Tribes

of noses was.There was a


infinite, very much nose, nose so fierce that in the face of Annas was a crime.

Find out if your child has understood the text

Reading comprehension is important to develop reading in the child. Not only is it enough to understand each word, but it is important to know what the whole text


If you want to know if your son has understood the poetryof Quevedo, we leave you a series of

questions that he should answer: - Why does he say that he was a man with a nose stuck? - What is a swordfish? - Why do you compare your nose with a sundial?

- Is it too much to say that she was a pirñamide from Egypt?

- Why do you exaggerate so much when describing Góngora's nose?