How to fight dandruff in pregnancy

Many pregnant women feel a lot of discomfort during the nine months of pregnancy. For many, fluid retention or weight gain is a problem. For others, the problems have to do with hygiene and beauty . In this area is dandruff , which for many future moms is something completely new that appears for th

Many pregnant women feel a lot of discomfort during the nine months of pregnancy. For many, fluid retention or weight gain is a problem. For others, the problems have to do withhygiene and beauty. In this area is dandruff, which for many future moms is something completely new that appears for the first time during pregnancy.

Tips to end with dandruff during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are many physical changes that women experience, and many have to do with their hair. The hair weakens as the pregnancy progresses, and the same happens with the nails. However, at the same time that hair may lose its usual strength, also appears more dandruff. The reason has to do with the hormonal changes of pregnancy, which produce alterations in the sebum of the hair and cause it to fall more or to be born weaker, as well as appearing more dandruff.To be able to

eliminate the dandruff that comes out in pregnancy you have to be careful with the shampoos that are used. Considering that the hair is weaker it is not good to choose wash shampoos that are very aggressive, but those that are free of parabens. If what we want is to carry out a shock treatment with natural remedies , we can tell you some homemade tricks that help the dreaded little white dots in the hair that end up staining the shoulders do not appear.Homemade tricks against dandruff during pregnancy


White vinegar: One of the remedies that we can carry out is one that has como white vinegar as a protagonist, we should not abuse, simply with a few drops along with water, we have to make a mixture to wash the hair, which will make the dandruff production in the pregnant woman stop after rinsing. - Space more hair washing:It also helps not to wash your hair every day, since the scalp usually has more fat and that can generate unwanted dandruff.

- Aloe vera: Finally, an

aloe vera leaf can also be a great ally against the dandruff that comes out during pregnancy. The homemade trick in question is to apply the aloe vera mass on the hair root along with a few drops of olive oil to act as a homemade mask, being quite effective not only when removing the dandruff, but to return the luminosity and vitality to the hair in pregnancy.