Why the color pink creates controversy among children

When you ask what is the favorite color of a young child it is likely that he does not choose any one and tells him that he likes them all, or maybe he chooses the color favorite of dad or mom. However, from a certain age all children tend to have preferences towards some colors. The rose is perhaps

When you ask what is the favorite color of a young child it is likely that he does not choose any one and tells him that he likes them all, or maybe he chooses the color favorite of dad or mom.

However, from a certain age all children tend to have preferences towards some colors.

The rose is perhaps the most controversial color and that between boys and girls used to create contrary positions; either rejection or predilection towards him. Why does the color pink create controversy among children?

The reason why the color pink creates controversy among children

Around the age of four the child begins to develop awareness of "I" as an individual that is separated from the rest of the people and that, therefore, It has an identity, a way of being and thinking.

To identify oneself or not with a color is equivalent to accepting the attributions that we think are associated with it as their own. These attributions may change subtly depending on the experiences that the child has lived around color, but the culture in which we are immersed will influence the associations we make in this regard. In our society the

pink color is associated in a very marked way to femininity and to girls in general. So when a child begins to develop his identity and becomes aware of it, he will most likely reject it. The same happens when who

rejects the pink color is a girl if she does not identify with the meaning she understands that color is given. The rejection of pink in girls will probably appear later, because it will be when more subtle y concepts are associated with it and those who do not want to be part of it. All this happens even having given the boy or girl toys of all kinds and worked the same values ​​in both sexes

because they weigh more the messages that we receive day by day from our surroundings. This prejudice about color - especially the rejected one - is indicative of structural changes in the mind of the girl or boy, and we should not worry about it. The colors have roles

and therefore this rejection can remain beyond childhood, especially if there is no direct work from home, school, institutions and companies or society in general.