9 Foods that the pregnant woman should not take

There is nothing more important than that new life that will come to the world ... so let's guarantee its healthy growth! The best way to do this is to make sure you get all the necessary nutrients from the time you are in the womb. And of course, avoiding those foods that can be harmful for their p

There is nothing more important than that new life that will come to the world ... so let's guarantee its healthy growth! The best way to do this is to make sure you get all the necessary nutrients from the time you are in the womb. And of course, avoiding those foods that can be harmful for their proper development. We tell you which ones.

Foods that the pregnant woman should avoid

1. Unwashed food:Eating unwashed foods may involve the risk of developing a parasite or bacterial infection in the mother as well as in the fetus. The parasite Toxoplasma severely affects the nervous system of the baby, its ears, its sight and causes premature births.

2. Caffeine: Drinking a lot of caffeine during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and premature birth, which also limits the development and growth of the fetus.

3. Dairy products and fresh fruit juices:Unpasteurized products may contain bacteria such as E. coli or Listeria, and other parasites and viruses could infect the baby and the mother. Do not drink fruit juices or milk if you are not sure that they are pasteurized.

4. Processed, raw or undercooked meat:In the same way as fruits, undercooked or raw meat can lodge different pathogenic organisms, among which the Toxoplasma parasite is included. Toxoplasmosis is high in vitamin A and causes vision problems. V 5. Viscera:

The viscera have a high content of vitamin A of animal and copper origin, their excessive consumption during pregnancy could cause malformations in the baby. 6. Raw or undercooked fish:

A pregnant woman is 17 times more vulnerable to contracting an infection caused by Listeria than any other woman. Infection with listeriosis or Listeria increases the chances of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and fetal death in the uterus. 7. Alcohol:

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is linked to an increased risk of premature birth, stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome and abortion. Also, the fetus may develop fetal alcohol syndrome, which means it may suffer from mental retardation, facial deformities and heart defects. 8. Fish exposed to mercury:

Large fish such as mackerel, swordfish or tuna among others, may contain large amounts of mercury, so that their consumption during pregnancy could significantly damage the brain of the fetus and his nervous system. 9. Processed food Estos: These products have a lot of trans fat, calories, sugar and other artificial substances that are harmful to your child's health and yours. Consuming large amounts of processed foods increases the risk of gestational diabetes and obesity.

Natalia Olivares.Nutritionist