When giving non-crushed food to the baby

Purees are the traditional way of feeding babies when starting supplementary feeding. Foods of almost liquid consistency that babies can consume without chewing, even in some cases, cereal porridge -milk thickened with a couple of cereal capsules- administered in a bottle, according to the recommend

Purees are the traditional way of feeding babies when starting supplementary feeding. Foods of almost liquid consistency that babies can consume without chewing, even in some cases, cereal porridge -milk thickened with a couple of cereal capsules- administered in a bottle, according to the recommendations of some pediatricians.

However, one day we have to start giving non-crushed food to the baby. In this process we are assailed by doubts about how and when to carry out this step. In Guiainfantil.com we clarify it to you.

When and how to give non-crushed food to the baby

While it is true that the beginning of complementary feeding is a challenge for our children, the truth is that it is rather a challenge for parents, since children are trained to adapt to changes provided they are made carefully.

Concerns about the amount of food the baby eats is one of the reasons why parents prefer puree-based food. The basis of a baby's nutrition must be milk, maternal or formula, at least until 12 months, so it is not necessary to consume large amounts of other food.

Although currently the recommendations are changing towards more respectful methods when feeding the little ones of the house, some families decide to offer purées when starting with complementary feeding, but, until when should they offer the crushed food? The most appropriate time for the introduction of complementary feeding occurs around 6 months. Why should not we postpone too much?

- Obviously, to avoid that food based on crushed food becomes a problem, it is better to introduce non-crushed food as soon as possible, allowing the baby to evolve on its own terms.

- Crushed foods do not offer the baby the chance to learn to chew, something vital for their development. The movement of the jaw when chewing helps the optimal functioning of the muscles, the correct development of the teeth and also favors the progress of speech, facilitating the ability to speak. If you are frightened by the fact that your baby does not have teeth and you think that without them he can not chew - although they can do it perfectly - you can wait until he has one to start offering other, stronger textures.

- Another reason why parents choose crushed food is the risk of choking. However, far from diminishing, with the crushed food the risk of choking increases, since the baby is accustomed to swallow without chewing, being any small change in the texture of his food a danger. Gradually increase and progressively the texture of the crushed can facilitate transit.