Maturative delay in children

Maturational delay is a type of diagnosis that is made at very early ages. It is done because in children between the ages of 2 and 6 it is difficult to rule out or confirm other diagnoses. In we tell you how to know if your child has a maturational delay and what to do. Symptoms th

Maturational delay is a type of diagnosis that is made at very early ages. It is done because in children between the ages of 2 and 6 it is difficult to rule out or confirm other diagnoses. In we tell you how to know if your child has a maturational delay and what to do.

Symptoms that warn of a maturational delay

In children suffering from maturational delay, it can be observed: Que - That this delay affects different areas of development

such as: social, cognitive, motor, affective, ... There must be several affected areas, two or three, at least. If there is only one affected area we would talk rather about a delay in that area. For example, if only motor skills were affected, motor retardation would be used ... - In many cases

it has low self-esteem associated with it and lack of motivation, since it perceives their abilities as inferior in comparison with others. El - Maturational delay is often accompanied by learning difficulties. In addition, the maturational delay is considered a chronological delay. When it occurs, a certain delay in development is observed although the child continues to evolve. That is, the acquisition of milestones of development are given, but with a delay in time. Therefore, the maturational delay should not be considered as a serious problem, since with the appropriate stimulation and the passage of time the rhythm of development in the maturation of the child is normalized.

Causes of maturational delay in childhood The causes that can generate the maturational delay can be:


Pre-natal character

as they can be genetic, infectious, hormonal causes, etc.

- Perinata character l. Sometimes there are circumstances that occur around pregnancy or childbirth that cause the child to be born prematurely or with low weight.

- Post-natalas they can be traumatisms.

These three types of causes can be interrelated with the experiences the child experiences with what the environment offers: - Lack of stimulation

. The maturational delay may be associated with poor stimulation. For example, a child may have motor delay because he does not have opportunities to play, climb, jump, jump, etc.

- Inadequate parenting.Habits such as toilet training or autonomy habits such as eating or dressing are delayed due to passive attitudes or overprotection in parenting.

Maturational delay may also occur due to an unknown cause. There are cases of slower maturation in children that occur for reasons that can not be explained. How to deal with the maturational delay in boys and girls Some tips to deal with the maturational delay are:

- When it is believed that something related to the areas of development is not going well,

it is important to go to a specialist

. It is important to take into account the opinion of adults who are part of the child's environment such as teachers, who can learn first-hand the development of the child's development.

- Once the positive diagnosis is made, give the child adequate stimulation. The stimulation must occur in the affected areas and affecting the problem. Even, it is better to perform the stimulation convenient for each area even before any kind of delay is evident. El - The use of

activities to work the maturational delay such as: finding the exit of the labyrinth, dressing the character, looking for the identical figure, or joining cards according to the theme that help to stimulate the affected areas.- Perform a periodic review to see the child's progress.