The test of the curve detects gestational diabetes

Throughout pregnancy, women undergo various tests, some serve to know the status of the baby and others to assess our health throughout pregnancy. One of them is the famous O'Sullivan test, also known as the glucose or curve test, do you know it? It is an analytical that serves to detect a possible

Throughout pregnancy, women undergo various tests, some serve to know the status of the baby and others to assess our health throughout pregnancy. One of them is the famous O'Sullivan test, also known as the glucose or curve test, do you know it? It is an analytical that serves to detect a possible case of gestational diabetes.

What is the curve test in pregnancy?

Today I come to perform the test of the curve, if you have never faced it, I hope you serve my experience to know what you face and what will happen during it.

The O'Sullivan test is usually performed, in general, between the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and first thing in the morning. In many health centers do not ask you to go on an empty stomach, however, in my case, I had to go without breakfast and also carrying the first urine in the morning.

The first test you pass is a blood test, of those that you do in pregnancy in which you get 5 or 6 tubes to know different data: if you have gone through toxoplasmosis, how are the blood values ​​...

If you think that with the blood test and your cotton in the forearm you're going home to have toast with butter and jam or a bun, you're wrong. This has not done anything but start. That's when the nurse gives you a small bottle containing 50 grams of glucose so you can drink it. Some pregnant women find it very unpleasant to drink the happy syrup, but in reality it is not so much, the glucose level is not very high.

I recommend you take a book, your mobile or anything else that entertains you because from that moment, you have an hour ahead to be quiet and quiet. In my previous pregnancies they did not even let me get up to go to the bathroom during that time.

After an hour, they click again entonces and then yes ... you can go for a croissant and a glass of milk! Today, while I was picking up my things, I thought about the bun that I had bought for after the test. It was already 10 in the morning and my guts roared at a wild party, but a thunderous voice warned me: 'do not drink any sugar in the next 24 hours'. My face must have been a poem. My criassant and I came out sad and crestfallen from the health center and crossing our fingers for not having to repeat it. And, if the test gives risk of diabetes, you have to perform a second test known as

oral glucose overload or long curve . And in it, they do say that the syrup is so sweet that it costs horrors to drink it, in addition, the waiting time is doubled, as well as the times when they draw blood.In any case, it is a fundamental and very important test since a diabetes not treated in pregnancy can be dangerous for both you and your baby.