Day of the Holy Feliciano, November 11. Names for children

Feliciano is a name for a boy of Latin origin that means "happy". It is a name of exceptional beauty of meaning that may be perfect for your child. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use is familiar and also brings an original and distinguished touch. Celebrate your name day on N

Feliciano is a name for a boy of Latin origin that means "happy". It is a name of exceptional beauty of meaning that may be perfect for your child.

Although it is not one of the most frequent names, its use is familiar and also brings an original and distinguished touch. Celebrate your name day on November 11, which is the day of San Feliciano.

Curiosities about the name Feliciano

Because of the meaning of his name, Feliciano is a vitalist and energetic person who exudes joy and good vibrations. In addition, Feliciano is hardworking and tenacious, which leads him to achieve success in any project he undertakes. His charisma and wit make him worthy of the admiration of others.

The name Feliciano is known throughout the world with hardly any variations thanks to the Latin tradition. He belongs to the same family of names as Felix and likes the energy that gives off its meaning. Feliciano has all the characteristics to gain popularity in the coming years.

May help you choose the name of your baby to know the current public character that is giving more popularity to this name. It is the tennis player Feliciano López who with his vitality, his youth and his attractiveness is contributing to revitalize the name of your son.

We also know many other characters named Feliciano, such as the Spanish writer Feliciano de Silva or the Mexican sculptor Feliciano Béjar. We also find it as a surname in the figure of singer-songwriter José Feliciano. And we can not forget the cartoon "Feliciano" by Manuel Vázquez Gallego.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of November, consult our calendar of names of Saints in November. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez. Collaborator of