When younger siblings imitate older

Children learn most things through observation and imitation. The little ones absorb everything they see and hear around them. Thanks to this they learn the skills and behaviors that will shape their way of being in the future. Children imitate words, gestures, expressions, reactions, and even moods

Children learn most things through observation and imitation. The little ones absorb everything they see and hear around them. Thanks to this they learn the skills and behaviors that will shape their way of being in the future.

Children imitate words, gestures, expressions, reactions, and even moods. The child reproduces everything he can see within his environment. They copy both the negative and the positive of their kindergarten friends or their teachers. But, above all, the most important models to imitate find them within the family nucleus where the child is fixed in the example given by their parents and siblings.

Benefits of imitating for children

Imitation is one of the most important keys in relationships between people, being fundamental for socialization. Thanks to this, an increase in trust in other people is achieved. That is, imitation promotes pro-social behavior.

Thanks to imitation you lose your fear of the unknown. When a child or a person in general imitates something, "knows" or thinks in some way that the model that is imitated has already done before and that if it has gone well before will be safe. Imitate facilitates life. Imitating what the other does saves energy that can be used for other things.

Imitating the older brother

As of the age of 2, the imitation ability of children is in full swing. Children will imitate everything they see, but they are very clear about which models are safe to imitate and which are not.

The older brother will be the main figure to imitate at home for the little ones, ahead of their parents. This happens because they see their brother's figure as closest. They consider their older brother as an equal to the one they admire and for whom they feel devotion.

When they need help and protection they will look for their parents, but when they need to know how the things work, they will go to the older siblings because they identify better with them. For the little one, his older brother will be like a teacher who follows him and who facilitates many learning

What role has the older brother

The figure of the older brother is taken as a reference within the nucleus of the family. The parents resort to their example when it is necessary for the education of the little brothers due to the fact that the older brother has gone through the stages that the little brother is going through before.

The role of the older brother is very useful in the education of minors. Often the parents who were harder and more demanding with the older ones are soft and soft with the little one. Because of this fact, it is common for the older brother to be in charge of putting the child in his place on certain occasions so that he is not capricious or collaborates more in the housework.