Differences between empathy, tolerance and resilience as values ​​for children

Educating children in values ​​is primarily the responsibility of parents. Therefore, it is important that you know what are the essential values ​​that you must instill in your child and what is the difference between each one of them. On this occasion, we explain what are the differences between e

Educating children in values ​​is primarily the responsibility of parents. Therefore, it is important that you know what are the essential values ​​that you must instill in your child and what is the difference between each one of them.

On this occasion, we explain what are the differences between empathy, tolerance and resilience, and how we can promote these essential values ​​in children.

What are the differences between empathy, tolerance and resilience and how to teach them to children

Beyond mathematics, instruction in languages ​​or social sciences, training in values ​​should be a prominent subject in the curricula of the little onesAlthough in reality, it is the most important subject of parents.

Education in values ​​is the basis for training adults capable of facing professional and personal challenges from an ethical perspective, based on values ​​and emotional competencies such as empathy, tolerance or resilience. But, do we know the meaning and differences of these concepts?

- Empathy: Empathy is the ability to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand their circumstances. It is a basic capacity for dialogue, since it allows us to understand in depth the thoughts and feelings of our interlocutor, which helps reach agreements and improves communication. Contrary to what is believed, empathy does not involve leaving aside our own ideas or feelings, but it means putting ourselves in the place of the other person, putting ourselves in their shoes to better understand their position before an idea or fact.

- Tolerance: Tolerance is the ability to respect diversity. In this sense, tolerance is the ability of people to respect differences, whether opinions, ideas or attitudes, of other people, even if they do not coincide with ours. It is said of tolerance that it is easy to applaud, difficult to practice and very complicated to explain.

- Resilience: Resilience is a concept linked to situations of suffering and adversity. It is defined as the ability to overcome extreme situations and emerge strengthened from them. People with a great capacity for resilience are not only able to overcome difficult moments, but also manage to grow in the personal field as a result of them.

Empathy, tolerance and resilience are three basic concepts that should be part of the education of the little ones. Education in these values ​​should be reinforced at home and continued in schools. Special interest acquires resilience, since it means knowing how to face failure, error, frustration, adversity or suffering, which we are sure to experience at some point in life. For this, we will learn to ask for help and support ourselves in others, to understand the reasons that have motivated this negative situation and to develop resources, skills, coping skills, with humor and creativity.

Ana Herrero

Psychologist from Brains International Schools