There is a planet. Children's poem to dream

Through the poems children can encourage and stimulate their creativity and imagination. And, the reading of stories, stories and stories, whether in verse or prose, teaches children not only new vocabulary but also about emotions and feelings and, above all, invites them to dream. This is precisely

Through the poems children can encourage and stimulate their creativity and imagination. And, the reading of stories, stories and stories, whether in verse or prose, teaches children not only new vocabulary but also about emotions and feelings and, above all, invites them to dream.

This is precisely what this child poem transmits us to dream: There is a planet. The idea of ​​reaching the dream of being an astronaut, traveling through space and visiting other worlds. If your child likes space or fantasy, do not stop reading this poetry.

Childhood dream poem: There is a planet

There is a planet in the sky

that I want to visit,

by plane or airplane, en or in a spaceship.

And astronaut dress

up there I want to get,

know extraterrestrials

and sidereal space.

Between stars and stars

to the moon to greet,

and among the stars of the sky,

jump, play and dream.

Reading comprehension activities for children

Learning to read should go hand in hand with learning to understand what is read. To help our children improve their reading comprehension, we invite you to ask these questions about this children's poetry:

- What does the protagonist want to travel to go to the planet?

- What do you want to know in space?

- What will he do in heaven?