Gastón. Children's story about winter

What changes occur in winter? The temperatures go down so much that it even snows, and when this happens the ground is covered in white, and the children love to go outside to throw balls and make snowmen. About one of these snowmen is this tale for children about winter : Gastón. A story that talks

What changes occur in winter? The temperatures go down so much that it even snows, and when this happens the ground is covered in white, and the children love to go outside to throw balls and make snowmen.

About one of these snowmen is this tale for children about winter: Gastón. A story that talks about the activities in winter, about having a good time with family and about the magical things that happen sometimes. We invite you to read this precious children's story with your children.

Tale for children about winter: Gastón

It was a cold winter Sunday, but Jaime got up very early to look out the window.

- It's snowed! It has snowed! - he shouted waking everyone in the house. The twins, Carlos and Andy, got up with their hair standing on end and still half asleep, they also approached the window.

- He has evaded! He has evaded! - they shouted at the same time imitating their big brother with their rag tongue and they were running to the room of their parents.

- Chicooos! - protested his mother getting under the sheets. - Today is Sunday!

But the three children ran nervously around the marriage bed pulling the quilt.

-It is good to dwarf us! said his father, jumping up and out of bed. But first you have to have breakfast.

They took a bowl of cocoa with milk, a glass of orange juice and a toast of bread with a delicious strawberry jam each. Then they went to brush their teeth and to dress without protest to go out as soon as possible.

They were wearing a tracksuit, an anorak, scarf and wool hat, colorful waterproof boots over thick socks and gloves.

- Ready? - said the father opening the door that opened onto the garden.

- Yes! - The three shouted while the mother was raising their hoods as they went outside.

They ran from one side of the garden to the other laughing, while they made snowballs to throw them at each other.

There was a huge laugh when Jaime slipped and fell to the ground.

- Dad - Jaime said while his father helped him get up off the ground.

- Do you make us a snowman? - I ask.

- Yes! - Shouted again the twins enchanted with the idea.

- It's okay guys !, said the father, but I will need all your help.

He began to shape a huge snowball by rolling it across the floor. At the same time, Jaime imitated his father by making a smaller ball.

The father put the small ball on top of the big one and when he got them to stay in place he said:

- We already have the body and the head!

- Carlos! - he said drawing the attention of the child, - look for two small round stones that can be used to make the eyes.

- And you Andy., - I continue, - looking for a flexible branch to make your mouth.

Meanwhile, Jaime had entered the house asking his mother for clothes to dress the doll. "To see what we find around here," said his mother, opening the door of a closet.

-This can help us! - He said pulling out a long colored scarf and an old blue wool hat. Jaime took it from his hands impatiently and ran away.

- Wait! - said his mother - I have an idea !, and went to the kitchen before the questioning look of the child, opened the refrigerator and pulled out a long carrot. Se - We will put it on your nose - he said without hesitation. Cor Jaime ran, this time without waiting for his mother and, when he arrived,

he saw that the doll had already come alive with his eyes and mouth fresh.

His father picked up Carlos and circling the doll wrapped the scarf around his neck. Then I pick up Andy who carefully put on the cap covering the small ball.

Immediately his mother appeared and skillfully placed the nose carrot. Jaime went to a broom that was leaning against the wall of the greenhouse and put it on a cane. - What name do we put? - He asked later when everyone looked satisfied surrounding the doll. "I like Gastón," said the mother, waiting for everyone's approval.

-Gatón, Gatón !, - shouted applauding the twins.

- Wait a moment! - said the father, quickly entering the house. At the moment he appeared with a tripod and a camera. Everyone stood around the doll very still and smiled. Just when the click of the camera sounded when the photo was taken,

Jaime looked at Gastón out of the corner of his eye and thought he was smiling at him.

Reading comprehension activities

Reading comprehension is as important as knowing how to read. To teach your child to understand what he reads, we propose a series of questions about this story that he has to answer:

- What name do you put on the snowman? - Do you remember what elements you put on the snowman?

- On what day of the week does this story happen?