The Trampoline frog. Modern fable about the overcoming of children

María O'Donnell writes this fable of Sapito Trampoline , to teach us the importance of the perseverance of work in children. No surrender is the key to all improvement, especially if we want to fulfill our dreams. With this modern fable you can teach children the importance of self-improvement of ch

María O'Donnell writes this fable of Sapito Trampoline, to teach us the importance of the perseverance of work in children.

No surrender is the key to all improvement, especially if we want to fulfill our dreams. With this modern fable you can teach children the importance of self-improvement of children and competition healthy.

The Trampoline frog. Modern fable about overcoming children

Trampoline was a tiny toad that lived with his family, in a pond of water lilies. Although he was small in size, he had a very big dream: to be the best jumper of all the toads.

To fulfill his aspiration, he decided to sign up for the most important jump contest in the country, which was held within three months, in a pond near the pond. Nothing else to do the inscription, Trampoline began to train. At first, he bounced very low and the other toads told him he was not going to get it, that his hind legs were too short and that his jumps barely lifted him off the ground. But the little frog did not pay attention to them, he kept wandering, trying to reach more height.

Trampoline climbed up the stems of the reeds, leaped over the leaves of the water lilies, made runs to

strengthen their muscles and so, little by little, he was well prepared. The day of the great contest arrived. There were colored lanterns and garlands all the way to the pond. It was a holiday. Trampoline was nervous with the number four on his back.

All contestants lined up. In total there were ten. The sa judge toad

was giving the exit in turns, with a loud "Croaá!" And a jury of three toads would choose who was the best. When the springboard turn came, the toad bent its legs tightly, then stretched it out in the air as much as it could and gave an incredible leap

. All the toads began to croak with joy and at the end of the contest, the judges decided that the winner was the number four: Springboard !.Moraleja

: Those who work hard, see their dreams come true

Discover if your child has understood the storyReading comprehension is very important in the development of the child's reading. It is not enough just to understand the words, but also that it is necessary to know what the whole text says.

Therefore, in

we leave you some questions so you know if your child has understood the text: - Sapito was good jumping at the beginning of the story? - What did your friends tell you?

- Did you listen to your friends?

- Why did he keep jumping?

- Who won the race?