Different forms of cyberbullying in children

Harassment of children already existed long ago in the classroom, but now it finds a new tool that makes it even more dangerous: internet. Words like cyberbullying or sextorssion begin to look familiar to parents increasingly concerned about the safety of their children. But do you know all the dang

Harassment of children already existed long ago in the classroom, but now it finds a new tool that makes it even more dangerous: internet. Words like cyberbullying or sextorssion begin to look familiar to parents increasingly concerned about the safety of their children. But do you know all the dangers lurking in the network? We explain to you how many types of online harassment exist and in what each one is characterized. The different types of harassment or bullying on the Internet to childrenThere are different types of harassment on the Internet and they all have some peculiarities. Here we reveal some of the best known ways for you to learn to detect the first symptoms of harassment in time:



It is about psychological harassment carried out among minors in that which constitutes your new and relevant socialization environment: The cyberspace. Acquires the most diverse manifestations encouraged by the incessant technological innovations and the unlimited imagination of the minors. No need to be stronger, or face, or coincide with the victim, or know. Also, not witnessing the suffering can contribute to inflicting it in greater doses. - Internet grooming

: This is the strategy of empathy and cajolingthat uses sexual predators to gain the trust of minors and end, through emotional or other types of blackmail, obtaining sexual gratifications that can range from sending images or videos to proposals for meetings in person. - Sextorsión

: This neologism has its origin in the English 'sextortion', a form of sexual exploitationin which a person is blackmailed through a nude image of himself that he has shared through the Internet through sexting, a session of cybersex, or through digital espionage. The victim is subsequently coerced into having sex with the blackmailer, to produce pornography, or to obtain money or other actions. Blackmail is usually done online, as it ensures a certain degree of anonymity to the criminal. - Sexual cyberbullying

: When sexual violence is carried out in the online spaceand / or through ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). It adopts forms that do not require physical contact or proximity between the person who exercises it and its victims, and it is discreet, imperceptible on many occasions for third parties - Gender Cyberviolence

: beyond sexual cyberbullying and other forms of digital sexual violence, the The victimization of women online is particularly relevant, driven by two additional features that the Network presents: the ease of harming and the permanent contact with the victim. Of all these types of online harassment, cyberbullying and sexting are the most used by bullies. Children (there are more cases among girls) face more and more risks. They are not aware of them. It is curious how in case of harassment on the Internet, children prefer to tell their brothers and cousins ​​before their own parents. Although in most cases (72%), they prefer to remain silent and not tell anyone. The mission of parents is to stay alert to any symptoms of bullying in their children. Even more so considering that 2 out of 10 children have had some unpleasant experience online.Friendly Screens

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