Help, I have a cyst in the ovary

If this is your case, you should not be alarmed. Although most women worry when the gynecologist tells them they have an cyst in the ovary , it must be said that, normally, the ovarian cysts are normal, and that more than 25% of women can get to have throughout his life. We tell you what los ovarian

If this is your case, you should not be alarmed. Although most women worry when the gynecologist tells them they have an cyst in the ovary, it must be said that, normally, the ovarian cysts are normal, and that more than 25% of women can get to have throughout his life.

We tell you what los ovarian cysts son are, why they appear, and their differences with other types of ovarian cysts. What are the cysts in the ovaries of womenOvarian cysts are small pouches filled with


that form on the ovary or inside it, and that are very frequent in women of childbearing age, that is, between 16 and 50 years old. In principle we should not worry about it, in fact, you may have some and you have not even noticed, since in most cases do not usually have symptoms

, and if they do, they are usually mild pain or discomfort in the abdominal part. It is true that, in cases of torsion or rupture of the cyst capsule, thepain is intense

, and it must be solved with a surgeryby laparoscopy. But, in many cases these cysts disappear

on their own, so, whatever your case, it is always advisable that we do periodic gynecological examinations. Different types of ovarian cysts Not all

ovarian cysts

are the same, and of course, they have nothing to do with a fibroid. While the cyst is an accumulation of fluid that forms in the ovary, fibroids develop due to the growth of muscle fibers in their coat. The cysts can be: - Functional cyst:

Occurs with each ovulation, when the ovum is released from the ovary by not being fertilized. This egg is created inside a pouch called a follicle, which usually disappears after menstruation.

- Follicular cyst: It is formed when the follicle does not open to release the ovum.

- Cyst in the corpus luteum: Appears if the follicle is sealed after releasing the ovum. These

disappear usually after a few weeks of the rule, but sometimes they can grow too much and run the risk of bleeding inside and torsion the ovary producing strong pains. When we should be alarmed In most cases they do not present symptoms, but if you have

severe abdominal pain

, nausea, vomiting, extreme sensitivity in the chest, pressure in the rectum or bladder, pain during sexual intercourse or difficulty When urinating, it is convenient that you go to a specialist since there are other pathologies, such as endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cancer that must be controlled. How are ovarian cysts removed?Normally


on their own, but if the contraceptive pill is not usually prescribed, to regulate hormones, or surgery is resorted to. A cyst is not a myoma

, but usually neither of you can have symptoms. If you have more than 30 years, your rule is abundant and painful, you feel abdominal pain or you have losses between menstrual cycles, you must go to the gynecologist to rule out that it is a fibroid. Fibroids arebenign tumors.

As a rule, it is necessary to analyze the myoma tissue to rule out cancer, if it is benign, it only causes problems in some cases, such as the difficulty in becoming pregnant.