Tombs around here, tombs over there. Halloween song for children

Scary songs are a classic during the Halloween season. shares the lyrics of the song "Tumbas por aquí, graves por allá" , a piece of music with which children can sing and dance to the rhythm of music. Enjoy with them and stimulate their senses through this nice Halloween song for c

Scary songs are a classic during the Halloween season. shares the lyrics of the song "Tumbas por aquí, graves por allá", a piece of music with which children can sing and dance to the rhythm of music. Enjoy with them and stimulate their senses through this nice Halloween song for children.

Know the lyrics of the most popular songs for children and live with them very funny moments.

Halloween song, Tombs here, graves there

Among the ruins of a monastery, las the tombs of a cemetery are opened.


Tombs around here, tombs over there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Tombs here, graves there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

The skulls come out dancing,

beautiful mummies with sucked eyes.


Tombs around here, tombs over there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Tombs here, graves there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Among the ruins of a monastery, tumb the tombs of a cemetery are opened.


Tombs around here, tombs over there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Tombs here, graves there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Tombs here, graves there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Tombs here, graves there,

tombs, tombs and tombs, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Video of the song Tombs over here, tombs over there

With the music of this funny video, you can sing with your children the Halloween song "Tombs over here, graves over there". You can also do a simple choreography with them, and have a great time dancing like the charming skulls featured in this music video.