Names for babies born in May

We offer you names for babies born in May , be it a boy or a girl. Nice, classic and less classic names. Names that will go very well for your newborn. We know, it's not easy to choose the name of the baby. We want a nice name, but we also want it to fit your personality, or have something special.

We offer you names for babies born in May, be it a boy or a girl. Nice, classic and less classic names. Names that will go very well for your newborn.

We know, it's not easy to choose the name of the baby. We want a nice name, but we also want it to fit your personality, or have something special. If your baby has been born in May, you can be guided, for example, by some of the saints in this month's calendar, by a flower you like or by one of these attractive proposals. 10 names for babies born in MayIf your baby is going to be born in May, it can be Taurus or Gemini, two different signs but they share some common characteristics. The

babies of May

are babies with an alert and curious intelligence. The more organized Taurus and the more scattered Gemini, in any case, the smile is assured with these dynamic and vitalistic babies. We propose all these names that, by their meaning, will go very well to your newborn if he was born in May

: 1. Camilo.This name is of Etruscan origin and means

' priest', in the sense of being a person who is in contact with the divinity. It is a traditional name that has managed to maintain that original touch and that exudes great elegance. 2. Daphne.Of Greek origin and with a meaning relative to

laurel , this name is the Latin equivalent of Laura. In this version the name gains in sophistication providing an enigmatic touch that increases its appeal. 3. Matías.The name is of Hebrew origin and in its meaning a

gift of God per is perceived. Although it is known from the biblical stories, the name has not been widely used, so it maintains a fresh and distinguished touch that will be ideal for your child. 4. Maite. Although many take this name as María Teresa's hipocorístico, in reality it is a name of Basque origin with a meaning related tolove.

It is a traditional name that has not been worn out by use and that is very emotional. 5. Aitor. Again a name of Basque origin, this time with a meaning that speaks of noble lineage

. It likes to be somewhat exotic and because it gives off a certain enigmatic air. Every day he gains positions in the lists of frequent names. 6. Carolina. This name is of Germanic origin and has a meaning relative tothe strength

. It is one of the female variants of Carlos and is a very popular name thanks to that musicality that reinforces the delicacy of any girl. 7. Connor. It is a name of Irish origin and its meaning speaks of thehowl of the wolf

. We are before one of those names for children whose attractiveness increases every day, with a modern, original and distinguished touch. 8. Jimena. The name is of Basque origin and means'mountain beast'

, which reveals the great personality that your girl will have. It is one of those names that bring charisma, with a charm and originality difficult to match. 9. Boris. It is a name of Russian origin meaning'warrior'

. Because of its musicality and its origin, Boris is one of those original names that bring personality to any child. In addition, every day is more fashionable and wins positions in the lists of popular names. 10. Miranda. This name is of Latin origin and its meaning speaks of somethingsurprising

or prodigious. The name exudes sweetness and elegance and possesses the charm of those traditional names that are reinvented in each generation. Laura Vélez .