How children can overcome frustration

Yes, it is hard to see them suffer. I know. The children believe that everything is possible. And suddenly one day, they see that it is not true. That does not always win. That they can not have everything now, now. And suddenly they come across a new, devastating feeling: frustration . And when the

Yes, it is hard to see them suffer. I know. The children believe that everything is possible. And suddenly one day, they see that it is not true. That does not always win. That they can not have everything now, now. And suddenly they come across a new, devastating feeling: frustration. And when the frustration comes, they feel cheated, sunk. Unable to understand what happens. And there comes crying la,anger . What can we parents do?How to handle frustration in children

Surely someone has ever happened to you, just like me, that suddenly you are tempted to let them win in a game, thinking that maybe they will suffer less. And yet we get the opposite effect. Because by avoiding the feeling of frustration, we leave them naked before the future.

And thatfrustrationis not bad. Quite the opposite, because it helps the child to realize that nothing happens because he does not reach all the goals at the first moment of change. The world does not end. You can try again. One, two, three times. The ones that are needed.

Frustration teaches . Teach to excel. To try harder for what you want. 'What was your last in the race? I know how you feel. But do not worry, because in the next one, or in the next one of the next, you will not be the last one '.

And how do I help him? Motivating you! Increasing your self-esteem 'Do not you get the pine as your friends? Come on, let's practice. I'm sure you'll achieve it. You can do it'. And I've always thought thatpositive reinforcement

is the best teacher. The worst thing you can do in that moment of frustration is to scold him, to feel misunderstood and even humiliated. Do not ever let him duck his head and he feels

sunken . We can not avoid frustration. It is something inherent to the human being. And parents who try to avoid it, condemn their son unknowingly to unhappiness. What about that child who is never said 'no'? Who never set standards? The one who does not draw insurmountable limits. To which they make everything easy and avoid challenges. Have you noticed those children? I look at them sadly, because I see in them an unhappy and violent adult. Because when he grows up, he will not know how to defend himself from

frustration .How children can overcome failures So I apply, asmother

, these tips:

1. Let your child trip and get up alone. 2. Try again.3. Let the child help you put the dishes even if you break one.

4. That you invent, that you dream. That he manages to fulfill some of his dreams and fail in others. Leave him.

The goal is well worth it. Do not you think?