How to educate distracted or clueless children

There are children who are distracted by a noise, a light or their own thoughts. They tell you to concentrate and this makes them slow down when it comes to learning knowledge. They are not especially nervous children. Moreover, they can be quiet children, who, however, go at a slower pace because t

There are children who are distracted by a noise, a light or their own thoughts. They tell you to concentrate and this makes them slow down when it comes to learning knowledge. They are not especially nervous children. Moreover, they can be quiet children, who, however, go at a slower pace because they get distracted and do not pay enough attention. How can we help them?

Distracted children and Attention Deficit Disorder (TDH)

Distracted child is not the same as child with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD). Attention Deficit is a problem that affects a minimum proportion of children (an estimated 4%). What is the difference between them? ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) occurs when the child's concentration problem is severe and does not evolve. Symptoms appear before the age of seven and occur both at school and at home. It is diagnosed from a series of tests, since it is a problem or dysfunction in some areas of the brain. Psychiatrists, neurologists and pediatricians will diagnose whether or not there is AD / HD.

However, most distracted children do not suffer from AD / HD. Only it's about concentration problems. You can be dreamers or clueless children. Or maybe children who are anxious or very nervous. Consejos 7 tips to help distracted children

When a child is more easily distracted than usual, he notices it in the learning process. Acquire knowledge more slowly and homework becomes a nightmare for parents. However, it is essential

not to scold the child or show anger. The child may feel 'unsuccessful' and guilty.Consider these tips

to help your child focus more on things: Aseg 1. Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. There are children who sleep a lot but badly and in the end they can not perform well because they are tired. 2. Look into his eyes when you talk to him

and ask him for something. It is the best way to make sure you are attending.

3. When you work at home with him, create a work zone without elements that can distract him. Put out lights, toys and objects that can get your attention. And always respect the same schedule. Create a work routine. 4. Do not leave the most difficult tasks for the end

. He will be tired and will lose interest in striving. An 5. Encourage her to summarize with short sentences what she has just done. You will force him to concentrate and make memory.

6. There are games that help to exercise memory la and concentration, such as the game of 'Simon responds' or those based on 'Memory cards'. Y 7. And finally, have a lot of patience. Concentration is something that is worked little by little. Do not expect results from one day to the next.