How gestational diabetes affects the baby

Gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed between the 26th and 28th week of pregnancy after performing the O'Sullivan Test to the expectant mother. This test will indicate the blood glucose level. If the values ​​are high, it is said that the woman has gestational diabetes . It is not a serious dise

Gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed between the 26th and 28th week of pregnancy after performing the O'Sullivan Test to the expectant mother. This test will indicate the blood glucose level. If the values ​​are high, it is said that the woman has gestational diabetes.

It is not a serious disease but it does require treatment based on diet and exercise to control it and thus avoid unnecessary risks for the baby that is growing inside the uterus.

Irrigation for the baby if the mother has gestational diabetes

Is the baby in danger if the mother has gestational diabetes? Approximately two-thirds of the mother's sugar goes to the baby. If the mother has high blood sugar levels, that extra dose of glucose can overload the child's pancreas and produce more insulin. This will affect the development of the baby that can grow more than normal and have a larger than average size.

What will the delivery be like if the pregnant woman has diabetes? If the woman has been controlled during pregnancy and has followed medical indications, there should be no difference between her delivery and that of another woman. However, if the woman has not controlled diabetes and the baby is very large, it is most likely that the delivery is by cesarean section.

Will the baby suffer in childbirth if it is very large? In the case of babies born with more than 4 kilos, clavicle fractures or other injuries have occurred when crossing the birth canal.

Does the baby have any risk of hypoglycemia at birth? If the sugar doses were not controlled in pregnancy, the baby at birth may have a hypoglycaemic picture. The doctor will perform a test immediately after birth to check your blood sugar level and you will be medicated to balance it if necessary.

Can the baby have jaundice to be born? Yes, it is a yellowing of the skin and the eye because there is an excess of bilirubin in the blood.

What are the chances that the baby will be diabetic in the future? The baby is more likely to develop diabetes or obesity later because the mother can transmit the disease to her child.

What other problems could the baby have? Could be born with respiratory problems, difficulty maintaining body heat, nausea or vomiting.