Children who do not stop singing, whistling or making noise

Children are naturally restless, curious, moved ... especially when they are very young, and that is a good sign. It means that they develop normally and that there is nothing to worry about. There are children more restless than others, but usually, where there are children, there is noise. But, is

Children are naturally restless, curious, moved ... especially when they are very young, and that is a good sign. It means that they develop normally and that there is nothing to worry about. There are children more restless than others, but usually, where there are children, there is noise.

But, is it normal for a child to stop humming, whistling or making noises?

Children who are always making noise

In principle, there is nothing unusual in these behaviors, although they can make us very nervous, the degree of tolerance of parents is important to assess whether behind these behaviors something else is hidden or not. It is important to assess the "amount of noise" that the child makes, at what times, its intensity and in general, what the child is like and how old he / she is, since a 3 year old child is not the same as 7 years old. years.If in general it is a quiet child, who hums, whistles or makes noise, it is normal.

Children sing while they play, they talk "alone", they whistle (they love it when they have learned to do it) ... and there is nothing to worry about. Movement and activity in children implies vitality and serves children to relieve tensions and express what they feel and what happens to them when they have no other means and psychological resources to do so.

We must differentiate this from

when a child, besides singing, speaking, whistling or making noise, is, in general, a restless child, does not focus on games , goes from one activity to another, touches everything, he is agitated, etc ... Then we can say that those little noises that we are so nervous, are perhaps the sign of something else, and we are faced with an impulsive, restless, with attentional difficulties, hyperactive or simply want to draw our attention. Therefore it will be necessary to consult a specialist who fully assesses the child and determine if there is or not what to worry about.We must always take this with caution as it will depend on the child's age, character, surrounding environment, or the moments or activities that are being carried out and always have to be taken into account, that does not interfere in their activity normal.

Therefore, in order to answer the question of why my son does not stop singing, whistling, speaking or making noises? we can not give a single and complete answer,

we must assess the whole child, (age, character, environment, situations in which it occurs) and parents, stress, character, demands, etc ...) and always and when in doubt, consult a child professional, who will be able to give us an accurate and effective response.