10 Home remedies for stomach acidity in children

Children can also suffer from stomach acidity also called gastroesophasic reflux . This occurs when the child's food, liquids, or stomach acid return to the esophagus. To deal with this ailment in addition to seeing the pediatrician as soon as we observe the first symptoms such as vomiting or swallo

Children can also suffer from stomach acidity also called gastroesophasic reflux. This occurs when the child's food, liquids, or stomach acid return to the esophagus.

To deal with this ailment in addition to seeing the pediatrician as soon as we observe the first symptoms such as vomiting or swallowing problems, coughing, changes in the voice, swallowing problems, irritability or lack of growth, we can take these recommendations into account home to prevent these aches increase in the child.

How to avoid heartburn in children

1. Avoid spicy foods, caffeinated beverages and chocolate.

2. Raise the top of the mattress of the child's crib or bed and try to lie on its left side.

3. Avoid smoking or other people smoking near the child as this can increase the symptoms of gastroesophasic reflux. Es 4. It is important

that the child does not play sports haga or exercise after eating because this can cause digested food to pass from the stomach to the esophagus causing heartburn. Tom 5. Drinking a cup of water with a few drops of lemon juice and half a tablespoon of baking soda can also reduce acidity. 6. Eating alkaline vegetables

such as beet, radish or carrot reduce gastroesophasic reflux.

7. Chewing gum after eating helps produce more saliva which neutralizes heartburn.

8. Avoid tight clothing on the abdomen after meals to prevent the acidity from getting worse.

9. After eating prevent the child from lying down immediately after ingestion to prevent stomach acid from reaching the esophagus.

10. The child should dine at least three hours before going to sleep hacer and make a light meal to prevent stomach acidity during sleep. Cristina González Hernando.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com