The favorite books of children from 6 to 10 years

The best way to encourage children to read is by offering them books that really "catch" them. That is to say: know their tastes and have a slight idea about what types of books they can attract depending on their age. Choosing a suitable book for an age is essential. Do you know what are the favori

The best way to encourage children to read is by offering them books that really "catch" them. That is to say: know their tastes and have a slight idea about what types of books they can attract depending on their age.

Choosing a suitable book for an age is essential. Do you know what are the favorites of children between 6 and 10 years old? Write down the advice of Sergio Díez, librarian at Brains International Schools.

Tips for choosing books for children from 6 to 10 years

At this age the children begin to show a little more laziness towards reading. In fact, many begin to choose the book depending on the thickness, the illustrations and the font size. Is it a fine book with many illustrations? Perfect! Is it a book with many pages? How lazy!

As if that were not enough, at this age school tasks related to reading begin to increase. That is why many children look a little 'saturated'. What can we do to encourage them to continue reading at home? Choose books that meet these characteristics: Deb 1. They should be

fundamentally fun books.2. They also like very much the books that begin to integrate in their texts

the phenomenon of magic and fantasy . Children at this age begin to need to 'escape' from reality. Fantasy is for them a great opportunity. Mu 3. Much better for them a book of dragons and princesses than of something real, like a football team.4. Children of this age are very fond of libros mystery books

. They are interested in limits, and look for books that reflect a break in the limits to check the consequences.

Video about reading tips for children from 6 to 10 years old