When and how can children study music

Music is important in child development and growth for an infinity of affective, emotional, and intellectual reasons. So when we are making music, we are developing skills that put into practice in other fields facilitate, among other knowledge, the learning of mother speech. Therefore, among other

Music is important in child development and growth for an infinity of affective, emotional, and intellectual reasons. So when we are making music, we are developing skills that put into practice in other fields facilitate, among other knowledge, the learning of mother speech. Therefore, among other benefits, singing and making music helps the child's speech development.

However, it is one thing to be surrounded by music, to sing or play with toy instruments and another, to study music. Many parents consider the convenience of enrolling their child in a music course. These questions and answers can help you find the solution.

Questions and answers about music and children

Does studying music help get better grades for children?

Parents often ask us if studying music helps our children achieve better academic results. The answer is yes. A study in England called Sing up, has been able to verify that the children, thanks to the daily singing in the classes, have more concentration, participate more in the classes and are more stimulated, more motivated. These data should make us reflect on the importance of music in education.

How much time will my son have to spend studying music?

It is more important to study well than to study hard, and also perseverance will help. It is much better to study little every day or many days than much more during a single day. If we obtain a good study technique and study every day it is very possible that we reach goals and our child is motivated and directed towards success.

How can I know if my child has musical talent?

We all have capacity and talent, each one different, all children have musical abilities and unlike adults, a huge and unlimited creativity. His head is clean of prejudices and limitations. The fundamental thing is that our children are motivated. To know if your child has the capacity and talent for music, there is only one way: testing, playing, researching and observing.

How to choose the musical instrument that best suits my child?

The first instrument of each child must be the voice first, in all cases. Singing develops a series of faculties that will then be applied to the practice of any instrument. There is no better way to train the ear. Then we must take into account a few factors. First, the child's tastes. If the child feels attracted, has a crush on an instrument we should respect it. We just have to make sure that it is the right decision, that he knows the rest of the instruments and if possible that he has listened to them live.

Then there is the price of the instruments, there are important variations in the price of the instruments, often the instruments have a high price. At last the mobility, it is not the same to play the harp, or to play the double bass, than to play the flute. If we choose a large instrument we must that the child will need our help in a constant way. Lastly, the ability to make music together. If we play the flute, clarinet, or the guitar, we will have many opportunities to play together. Other instruments such as the harp or the piano require more study time and often a more solitary practice.

What are the benefits of practicing music on children?

When we make music we practice concentration, effort capacity, motivation, teamwork, audition, creativity, artistic sensitivity. Many of these things accompany us in the rest of our lives and make it much easier.

Videos about the benefits of music in childhood