Names for babies born in September

If it is difficult to choose the name of our baby it is because we want it to be a name that fits your personality. But how to know in advance the character of the baby? Through child astrology and according to the sign of the zodiac and the month of his birth we can imagine part of his personality.

If it is difficult to choose the name of our baby it is because we want it to be a name that fits your personality. But how to know in advance the character of the baby? Through child astrology and according to the sign of the zodiac and the month of his birth we can imagine part of his personality. We have some perfect name ideas for September babies.

If your baby is going to be born in September it may be Virgo or Libra, two signs of the zodiac that are very different but may have some common characteristics. The babies born in September stand out for their restless and curious nature. They also usually have social skills and a fun and friendly character. 10 baby names for September

1. David.

This timeless name is of Hebrew origin and has a meaning related to love. It is one of those traditional names that never go out of style because they come loaded with a special force. 2. Sofia.

The name is of Greek origin and its meaning speaks of wisdom and knowledge. It remains immovable in the lists of popular names because it gives off calmness and harmony. It is also a charming name that will reinforce the personality of your girl. 3. Javier.

It is a name of Basque origin with a long tradition. We are before a name with a mysterious charm that does not lose freshness or originality with the passage of time. On the contrary, at all times stands out for his charisma. 4. Irene.

This name for girl of Greek origin and that means "peace" stands out because it transmits tranquility. At the same time, Irene comes loaded with a powerful and overwhelming personality that makes her one of the most attractive names for girls. 5. Victor.

The name is of Latin origin and in its meaning is all the success and victory that your child needs. It is one of those names that emanate distinction and elegance and that remain in their popularity unrelated to fashions and trends. 6. Helena.

It is a name of Greek origin that devastates girls because of their strong personality. It is a name with a lot of charm that gives off beauty and forcefulness at the same time, perfect to highlight the charisma of your girl. 7. Oscar.

This name is of Germanic origin and its meaning tells us about the god's arrows. It stands out because it maintains a certain touch of mystery despite its long tradition. Its freshness means that it continues to be considered a modern name and that it continues to be original. 8. Elsa.

This name of Hebrew origin was in principle the diminutive of Elisabeth. However, his energy is such that over time became a name with its own entity that adds sophistication and charm to any girl. 9. César.

It is a name of Latin origin that highlighted the figure of the emperor. Much of that distinction has been transferred to the name, which today continues to be charismatic and powerful. Without a doubt, one of the best bets for your child. 10. Lidia.

The name is of Greek origin and, although it is very familiar, it has always been kept in a discrete position in the popular names lists. Maybe that's why today is a name for original girl and full of charm. Laura Vélez

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