Causes of school failure in children

When there is school failure in children, parents usually point to school and school usually point to parents ... but, what really happens? What is the role of the child in all this? Children need motivation to be able to do things and can only be achieved when there is good team work between parent

When there is school failure in children, parents usually point to school and school usually point to parents ... but, what really happens? What is the role of the child in all this? Children need motivation to be able to do things and can only be achieved when there is good team work between parents and teaching professionals.

When school failure occurs, children increasingly move away from their peers until finally disconnected from the educational system, with a final result of school dropout. Sometimes it can occur in students who have the ability and intelligence to succeed but are not willing to follow the school system.

Possible causes of school failure in childhood

It is possible that academic performance begins to decrease due to emotional problems such as changing from one school to another, family problems, behavioral disorders, etc. But there are some causes that unfortunately are repeated a lot when there is school failure:

- Pregnancy and paternity. Adolescent pregnancy is a cause of school dropout because they feel embarrassed to return to school or because they continue with pregnancy and the discomfort does not allow them to continue with normal academic development. When the baby is born, it requires a lot of care time so they do not have enough energy to be able to study well. It is necessary that in all educational centers and from home there is sufficient communication and information so that children can receive a good sex education.

- Boredom. Above all, the smartest students often leave because of boredom. Many students think that they have no emotional connection with their teachers and therefore can not be motivated academically. Boredom is a problem that must be addressed by students, parents, school and education professionals.

- Lack of support. Many students feel that it is not important to study because their parents do not support them or because they do not receive enough attention to be motivated. Parents who do not encourage their child at all times, who do not show interest in homework, or a real interest in their school life ... may not see any reason to move forward with school work. Parents must give priority to education at school.

- Emotional problems. It is possible that the child feels anxiety before the exams, that he has negative thoughts about his future, that he feels sad and depressed, that the anxiety does not allow him to sleep well ... if a child presents emotional problems, it should not be let go. It is necessary to look for the root of the problem in order to solve it as soon as possible.

- Learning difficulties. Learning problems are conditions that interfere with obtaining specific academic skills. Learning disorders can make it difficult for a person to concentrate or to process and remember information. When difficulties are recognized early, certain teaching strategies can help a student overcome the learning problem that often leads to behavioral problems. The frustration generated when these problems are not recognized is one of the main causes of school failure and even abandonment.