Safety of children in the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house where there are more accidents for children along with the kitchen. And, not only contains elements of risk that are easy to manipulate by children, it is also a place where your curiosity is put to the test to open cupboards or drawers and discover ever

The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house where there are more accidents for children along with the kitchen. And, not only contains elements of risk that are easy to manipulate by children, it is also a place where your curiosity is put to the test to open cupboards or drawers and discover everything they hold.

The most common accidents that occur in the toilet are: burns, falls, intoxications due to ingestion of products or injuries.

How to avoid accidents of children in the bathroom

1- To avoid burns that occur mainly because the water is too hot, we can install a water thermometer that tells us the temperature before introducing the child

2- Falls : Slips of children in the bathtub and even on the bathroom floor are very common. We must keep the soil as dry as possible at all times and also, install some non-slip or adherent carpet inside the bathtub to prevent falls. Another measure is to place fastening elements or handles so that the child can be more autonomous in the bath or shower.

3- Intoxications: cosmetics, creams or other hygiene products are very attractive to them and it is not strange that they explore them through taste. It is advisable to keep them out of the reach of children by placing them in places they do not reach or by using door and drawer lockers. 4- Wounds and cuts: Razors and scissors are common elements in bathrooms and we should place them away from children's access.

5- Asphyxia and electrocution: they are very serious accidents that occur when the adult is not supervising the child in the bathroom. It is very important to avoid leaving the toilet

to answer the phone, to bring the child's clothes or to go to the kitchen to perform some task. These small moments can have serious consequences. Bath time can be a great way to share a good time with children and fun. However, we must always be alert because the child is full of curiosity and will want to open the tap, press the button on the toilet tank or discover that new cream bottle that he has seen us leave on the sink counter. The prevention and adaptation of the space to the needs of our children are our best allies so that the bathroom does not become a place of danger for children but of enjoyment and relaxation.


: National Association for Child Safety