Fertile days to get pregnant

Knowing the exact moment when ovulation occurs is essential to achieve a pregnancy, because if you have sex on fertile days, the chances of conceiving increase. To get pregnant, you must have sex during the period ranging from one to two days before ovulation to about 24 hours later. Know your ferti

Knowing the exact moment when ovulation occurs is essential to achieve a pregnancy, because if you have sex on fertile days, the chances of conceiving increase. To get pregnant, you must have sex during the period ranging from one to two days before ovulation to about 24 hours later.

Know your fertile days to get pregnant

Maintaining relationships on fertile days,there is a 20 percent chance of conceiving in each cycle, and 85 percent of achieving it after a year of trying. However, it should also be taken into account (for those cycles in which pregnancy is not desired) that, at any time during the menstrual cycle, conception may occur, but there are less probabilities than in these days.

While sperm can live for two or three days inside the female reproductive system waiting for its moment to fertilize, the life of an egg is more ephemeral and does not survive more than 24 hours after ovulation, unless it is fertilized. For this reason, having sex during fertile days that coincide with the time of ovulation is essential to get pregnant.

How is your cycle? Calculate your fertile days

However, women's cycles are not always the same and calculating the exact day of ovulation is not easy. There are regular and irregular cycles, and also short and long ones. Depending on each of them, the time of ovulation will be one day or another.

1. Irregular cycles: follow a different variation pattern each time. Establishing the time of ovulation is difficult and to determine the fertile days, attention should be paid to variations in basal temperature and cervical mucus.

2. Regular cycles: a cycle is considered to be regular when it lasts 28 days. However, as each woman needs her time to make all these changes and follow their pace, it has been established as a regular cycle that can last between 23 and 35 days, provided that it follows the same pattern. Within the regular cycles, we can distinguish between:

A. Long cycles: last between 30 and 35 days. Ovulation occurs around day 16. Therefore, if we consider that the life of the ovum lasts 24 hours and that of the sperm some 72 hours, the fertile days go from 13 to 18 of the cycle.

B. Short cycles: last between 23 and 25 days. Ovulation occurs around day 9 of the cycle. Therefore, the fertile days to have sexual relations are from 8th to 13th of the cycle.

C. Normal cycles: are the 28-day cycles. In them, ovulation occurs around day 14, so it is advisable to have sex on the 12th to the 17th day of the cycle.

In general, the rule for calculating fertile days consists in subtracting 12 to 16 days from the date of the next menstruation. As an example, if the following rule is going to come on November 30, first subtract 12 days from that date and then 16 days. In this way, you will obtain two dates: November 18 and November 14. These four days that go from November 14 to 18 are your fertile days in which you must increase the frequency of your sexual relations to achieve pregnancy.

The biological clock of the woman and her cycles

Why does the age of the woman influence so much when it comes to getting pregnant? Each time we delay more the age to be a mother for economic, labor or social reasons and this factor has a negative influence when we look for a pregnancy over 35 years. The reason lies in the female biological clock, which has beginning and end, and has a certain ovarian endowment. Thus, the ovary has an endowment of 500,000 ovules, all prepared in the same way to be fertilized, although only 500 reach full maturity.

Generally, the female cycle begins at puberty around 12 years, with the first rule, also known as menarche and is repeated every month throughout the fertile life of the woman until menopause, which occurs about 30 years later. The hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and ovary are the ones that direct the physical and emotional changes that take place in the feminine organism in each cycle.

The emotional ups and downs are explained due to the close relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland with certain areas of the brain and the development of the menstrual cycle. In fact, the rule is often absent when the woman is stressed or goes through difficult moments of anxiety or nervousness.

Ovulation calculator to get pregnant

If you have not achieved the desired pregnancy with home and natural methods, we recommend that you use our OVULATION CALCULATOR. You just have to add the exact date of the first day of your last menstruation and she will tell you the days when you can get the conception. CLICK HERE to go to the Fertile Days Calculator.

Marisol Nuevo. Editor of Guiainfantil.com