Your child's way of being according to the features of his face

They say that the face can also talk about our personality. And also, of course, the features of your son. Or at least, that is what many theories affirm. The size of your child's nose, the shape of the ears or the eyes, offers us valuable information about his personality . How is the personality o

They say that the face can also talk about our personality. And also, of course, the features of your son. Or at least, that is what many theories affirm.

The size of your child's nose, the shape of the ears or the eyes, offers us valuable information about his personality.

How is the personality of the child according to their eyes

The eyes are undoubtedly the most important feature in the face of your child. Not only the color, but the size and expressiveness, tell us many things about their character and personality.

1. Widely separated eyes:If your eyes are wide apart, your child may have trouble concentrating. And you may also suffer from some other headache.

2. Very close eyes: If your eyes are too close together, you will not be very observant. Rather, clueless, and with less predisposition towards the creative arts.

3. Very large and expressive eyes: Large, open eyes, large iris and very lively expression ... your son is very sincere and also has great sensitivity. Surely develop some artistic skill: paint, write, sing ...

4. Very small eyes:It is a characteristic of children who never seem to listen to what they are being told. They are rebels and find it difficult to express what they feel. But yes ... they are very clever!

5. Ascending eyes:They are very curious children, who need to get a lot of information. You must take good care of what you say in his presence. Remember that it is very sensitive, and a word can do much more damage than you think.

6. Eyes and drooping eyelids: Your child demands a lot. So much, that you will often feel frustrated. The good thing is that he is so perfectionist, that if he shines on something and channels his frustrations well, he can be the best. But he has a flaw: he has trouble expressing his feelings. It is a typical look of introverted people with a deep inner world. Pamper your self-esteem. These children usually have it very low. Tell him you trust him constantly.

7. Bulging eyes:They are very spontaneous and extroverted children. Their defect: that they often forget to take care of their interior and can fall into the superfluous.

8. Sunken eyes: They are children who protect themselves and who need to feel protected. They are shy and introverted.

The eyebrows, which frame the look, can also say many things about your child:

1. Very close eyebrows: He is persevering, stubborn. He wants to do it alone and prove to himself that he can do it. That is fantastic! As if that were not enough, he has a great power of concentration. Let him experiment and try for himself, and give him encouragement constantly. Congratulate him when he succeeds. The bad thing is that many times he will not achieve it, and he will feel frustrated. There you are to support him.

2. Very separated eyebrows:They are typical of children with difficulty concentrating but who have a great intuition.

The personality of the child according to his ears, nose, mouth and chin

1. Pegaditas ears: They are children with a great hearing sensitivity. That is, they know how to listen to others, although sometimes they do not know how to listen to themselves. Never argue in front of him, and measure well the words you use. Everything is taken to heart, is very apprehensive. And from time to time, tell him to try to listen to himself.

2. Separate ears: Your son is a leader. He knows himself so much, that he gives off a great safety halo. He has great power to convince others. Do not forget to establish very clear rules and limits. Be strict but let him be free so that he can develop his leadership. That is, let him take the initiative in some things.

3. A very marked line under the lower lip: It is also very typical of very perfectionist children. Do not demand too much. He already does it for you.

4. Split chin: Sure that your child loves team games, and that is because he needs to feel valued constantly. Search your skills and empower them. You will see how he feels good about himself.

5. Pointed chin:It is typical of dominant children who try to impose themselves. Very prone to tantrums and tantrums. Tip: Make the limits and rules very clear. And you will have to work more with him the value of patience.

6. Flat nose: are children who need a lot of love.

7. Nose that protrudes, great: implies generosity, tenderness and great affection.

Explanatory video of the child's personality according to his / her features

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