The 17-month-old baby. Development of the baby month by month

The unsafe and unstable way of walking that your baby had a few months ago has given way to a certainty and firmness. In addition, he loves to test his little legs and runs from one side to another, but still a bit torme. You will notice that your baby has her own temperament and character and she l

The unsafe and unstable way of walking that your baby had a few months ago has given way to a certainty and firmness. In addition, he loves to test his little legs and runs from one side to another, but still a bit torme.

You will notice that your baby has her own temperament and character and she lets herself be noticed at times, when the dreaded tantrums and tantrums appear.

The physique of the seventeen-month-old baby

Your baby is able to climb stairs without having to crawl, although he still needs the hand of an adult to avoid falling. He loves to jog and run, although they still do not have a very perfected technique.

He loves to play and is entertained by testing his ability with toys to stack, build or make towers, it is also a perfect way to perfect his fine motor skills. You can observe how he has a preference for taking things with one hand before the other.

As the 17-month-old baby better controls his movements, he tends to be more independent. It is important, therefore, to exercise caution both at home and in the park and keep out of reach all that could be dangerous.

The language of the baby at 17 months of age

Your child's vocabulary expands week by week, already knows about 10 words and can form simple two-word phrases. Understand simple orders and if you ask, you can point out the parts of your body.

A great way to stimulate your language is to sing songs or read stories. However, you have to be very careful with the words that are said in front of the baby because they are aware of everything.

The feeding of the 17 month old baby

The baby of almost one and a half years eats practically all the food. However, nuts are convenient not to introduce them into the diet yet because they can cause allergies. It is also not convenient to offer them sweets.

The feeding of the 17-month-old baby must consist of 5 meals: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner. You must have all the food groups and you must still take at least 500 ml of milk per day.

Stimulate the baby at seventeen months of age

To stimulate the baby's language, you can point to animals or objects and try to have the baby say the name. Performing small psychomotricity circuits at home with cushions or chairs so that they pass over or under them will help them coordinate their movements better.

Singing and dancing is a fun activity with which they also learn language as well as control their own body.

When speaking with the child, always repeat the words 'please' and 'thank you' to internalize and learn to ask for things correctly and to thank them.

Baby development month by month
First yearSecond year
Month 1Month 7Month 13Month 19
Month 2Month 8Month 14Month 20
Month 3Month 9Month 15Month 21
Month 4Month 10Month 16Month 22
Month 5Month 11Month 17Month 23
Month 6Month 12Month 18Month 24