Stories for children. The mountain and the bird

Learn and tell your children this precious children's story that speaks of the value of friendship, loyalty and love, between a bird and a mountain. offers us a story, authored by Beatriz Montero, who has graciously recorded this video for the children. Enjoy this story with the who

Learn and tell your children this precious children's story that speaks of the value of friendship, loyalty and love, between a bird and a mountain. offers us a story, authored by Beatriz Montero, who has graciously recorded this video for the children. Enjoy this story with the whole family.

Letter from the story 'The mountain and the bird' for children

Many years ago, in a very distant place, lived a lonely and sterile mountain. The mountain was terribly lonely. I saw the sun rise and set, the day and the night. The seasons passed:spring, summer, autumn and winterand no one approached her. He watched the clouds go away, and how the rain fell in silence. Even so, the mountain tried to communicate talking loudly:

- Hooolaaa! Hooolaaa!

But no one answered him, until one day, while watching a flock of birds flying by her, suddenly, felt one of those birds was passing on his shoulder. And they began to talk ... The little bird told him stories of the places he had visited, the things he had seen, and what he felt when he dominated the skies and conquered space. The mountain listened enthralled, but soon the day came when the little bird had to join his flock and continue his journey. But he promised to return next year with new stories.

The mountain sighed and waited impatiently for the bird to return.

And the following year, the bird fulfilled its promise. And he kept doing it year after year, telling exciting stories of everything he had seen. And so, the mountain no longer felt sad or alone, because he had a friend who was faithful and loyal.

However, the bird grew older and one day said to the mountain:

- I am getting older and next year my wings will not be able to support such a long trip. So this will be my last visit, friend.

The mountain, sad and sorry, almost began to mourn. But the bird consoled her saying: No - Do not worry, my children will come to visit you and tell you about the adventures of their trips.

The rain fell again in silence and the clouds moved away after the mountain. Until one day a flock of birds appeared again near her and three young birds perched on her shoulder and began to tell her new and curious stories. They were the children of the bird friend of the mountain. Así And that's how the mountain did not stay alone again. When the three birds became older they sent their children to keep company with the mountain, and then they were the children of their children ... And the mountain has always been able to count on the company and the stories of their little friends.

And colorín, colorado, this story is over ...

The video-story of 'The mountain and the bird'.

Guiainfantil has the pleasure of publishing a popular story about hope and friendship. A version written and narrated by the writer

Beatriz Montero.