Day of Santa María de la Vega, September 8. Names for girls

Vega is a name for a girl with an uncertain but possible Iberian origin whose meaning is related to 'fertility' . It is one of the most attractive names for girls because of its simplicity and freshness. The name Vega has been maintained thanks to one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, although

Vega is a name for a girl with an uncertain but possible Iberian origin whose meaning is related to 'fertility'. It is one of the most attractive names for girls because of its simplicity and freshness.

The name Vega has been maintained thanks to one of the invocations of the Virgin Mary, although today it has become detached from its religious character. He celebrates his name day on September 8th, which is the day of Santa María de la Vega.Curiosities about the name Vega

By the meaning of his name, Vega exudes charisma and charm in his personality. Dreamy and with an unusual brightness, she soon becomes the leader of her group of friends. She also has a sociable and decisive character that will help her to manage herself without great difficulties for life.

The name Vega is limited to the Spanish-speaking sphere and has not been widely disseminated until recently, so it remains fresh and very original. It may be better known as a surname than as a girl's name, but soon you will notice the momentum of those parents who are looking for usual but rare names.

Consider Vega when choosing the name of the baby is a good idea because it represents the brightness of the stars. Vega is a star, the most luminous and radiant of the constellation of the Lira, so it is not difficult to consider it as the ideal name for a girl.

The number of places called Vega and also the possibility of combining it with many others forming a

compound name can solve the dilemma of the baby's name. And is that Vega is a charming name capable of reinforcing the personality of your girl. To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of September, consult our calendar of names of saints in September. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Vélez.

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