Home tricks for fluid retention in pregnancy

There are many pregnant women who suffer discomfort in their body throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a long process that generates many changes in a woman's body, and one of the problems that many future mothers suffer from responds to fluid retention. This involves an extra volum

There are many pregnant women who suffer discomfort in their body throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Pregnancy is a long process that generates many changes in a woman's body, and one of the problems that many future mothers suffer from responds to fluid retention.

This involves an extra volume in the body, which can be concentrated in the legs, arms any area that looks considerably heavier and larger. In Guainfantil.com we discovered how to cope with fluid retention in pregnancy with home tricks.

Home remedies to prevent fluid retention

- Legs high. After a day without stopping, the best thing for the retention of liquids, especially if we are pregnant, is to put the legs at a considerable height. This means that we can put them on a chair slightly higher than the seat in which we put ourselves, or on the back of the sofa. A cushion can also be used to support the legs. A few minutes will be necessary for the blood to circulate again.

- Healthy diet. It is the most important thing to get rid of fluid retention, especially in pregnancy. A diet low in salt, rich in fruits and vegetables is the most recommended for the body to work and the volume does not rise significantly.

- Liquid. Although it seems an incongruity, to avoid the retention of liquids the secret is not other than more liquid, as it sounds. It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water per day so that the body works much more fluidly and liquids are not retained in areas of the body such as the legs, making movements much heavier.

- Draining massage. Although it is not advisable to do massages of this type with an advanced state of gestation, yes that we can make them to ourselves with the help of gels, oils and fresh creams. This will help areas like the arms or thighs - where more fluids are concentrated - to be much more relaxed. It is convenient to do it before sleeping so that the skin rests, and it is about applying the product firmly so that the skin stretches and moves.